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patinina34 03.01.2009 23:06:31

Despre persecutarea crestinilor
Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta, sau poate stiti si in Romania, ca in Nord America nu poti sa spui
"Craciun Fericit"
Sarbatori de iarna fericite"
si asta de un timp, din cauza musulmanilor. Fiind o societate mixta, nord americanii au zis da.
E trist, dar adevarat!
Deci, musulmanii se simt "jigniti" la o astfel de urare, si deci noi trebuie sa ne conformam, sau pierzi locul de munca.
Cum functioneaza asta in Europa?
E la fel?

mirelat 04.01.2009 01:13:00


Īn prealabil postat de patinina34 (Post 107417)
noi trebuie sa ne conformam, sau pierzi locul de munca.

eu n-am auzit de vreun caz concret, sa se fi intamplat asta... dimpotriva. uite de ex. la noi in firma patronii sunt evrei, si cand m-au chemat sa-mi inmaneze bonus-ul de sfarsit de an mi-au zis un "Merry Christmas" din toata inima!

e drept insa ca aici in SUA si Canada este un creuzet de rase si religii, amalgam care se vede mai ales la lucru. chiar daca firma nu e mare, pe langa crestini - de toate orientarile - mai gasesti si evrei, chinezi, musulmani, hindusi s.a.m.d. si atunci din bun simt si respect pentru toti, la sfarsit de an urarea generala, deci nu adresata cuiva anume este Happy Holidays = Sarbatori Fericite!.... adica sa se bucure toata lumea! :69::6:

patinina34 04.01.2009 01:30:25


Īn prealabil postat de mirelat (Post 107449)
eu n-am auzit de vreun caz concret, sa se fi intamplat asta... dimpotriva. uite de ex. la noi in firma patronii sunt evrei, si cand m-au chemat sa-mi inmaneze bonus-ul de sfarsit de an mi-au zis un "Merry Christmas" din toata inima!

e drept insa ca aici in SUA si Canada este un creuzet de rase si religii, amalgam care se vede mai ales la lucru. chiar daca firma nu e mare, pe langa crestini - de toate orientarile - mai gasesti si evrei, chinezi, musulmani, hindusi s.a.m.d. si atunci din bun simt si respect pentru toti, la sfarsit de an urarea generala, deci nu adresata cuiva anume este Happy Holidays = Sarbatori Fericite!.... adica sa se bucure toata lumea! :69::6:

PENSACOLA, Fla. – A Christian woman claims she was fired from her job because she greeted callers with "Merry Christmas," but the vacation rental company says it's no Scrooge and the woman is just a disgruntled employee.
Tonia Thomas, 35, said she refused to say "Happy Holidays" and was fired, even after offering to use the company's non-holiday greeting. The Panama City woman filed a federal complaint that accuses the company of religious discrimination. She is seeking compensation for lost wages.
"I hold my core Christian values to a high standard and I absolutely refuse to give in on the basis of values. All I wanted was to be able to say 'Merry Christmas' or to acknowledge no holidays," she said Tuesday. "As a Christian, I don't recognize any other holidays."
Thomas said she is Baptist.
Her former employer, Counts-Oakes Resorts Properties Inc., said she wasn't fired for saying "Merry Christmas," but would not elaborate.
"We are a Christian company and we celebrate Christmas," said Andy Phillips, the company's president. Thomas is "a disgruntled employee," presenting a one-sided version of what happened when she was fired Dec. 10, Phillips said.
Liberty Counsel, an Orlando-based legal group that advocates for people discriminated against because of their religion, is representing Thomas before the federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. Their complaint also accuses the company of harassing and taunting Thomas after she was fired by calling the police to watch her pack her belongs and leave.
Thomas could have hard time winning the case, said G. Thomas Harper, a Jacksonville-based labor attorney who writes a newsletter on Florida employment law.
"I wouldn't think an employee has the right to insist (on saying Merry Christmas) unless that really is a tenet of their faith. She would have to make a strong case that was part of her beliefs, if not, it becomes insubordination," he said.
Thomas has found another job, but she makes less than the $10.50 an hour she earned with the rental company. She said the trauma of being fired and the pay cut has made for a tough holiday season for herself, her husband and their 6-year-old son.
Harper said when it comes to holiday greetings, the smartest choice might be ignoring the season.
"The best option is just not to say anything," he said.

aici ai dovada, stii engleza, pentru altii voi posta imediat aici o traducere

patinina34 04.01.2009 01:31:43

pensacola, fla.-un crestin femeie sustine era trasa de la o slujba pentru ca ea adresau Intampinat cu "" Craciun fericit", "dar vacanta inchiriere firmei spune ca nu-i scrooge si femeia este doar o nemultumita angajat. tonia Toma, 35, spuse ea a refuzat sa spuna "sarbatori fericite" si a fost dat afara, chiar si dupa care se ofera sa foloseasca societatii non-vacanta salut. In Panama City femeie depune o plangere federal care acuza societatea religioase de discriminare. Ea este solicita compensatii pentru salariile pierdute.

mirelat 04.01.2009 05:53:16

femeia asta era o crestina cam fara dreapta socoteala... pai de unde sa stii cine suna la firma aia de inchirieri de masini? in cazul de fata mi se pare aiurea sa zici la toti "Craciun fericit" in loc de buna ziua.:26:cred ca a vrut sa le strice apele pe-acolo, nu degeaba firma sustine ca sunt si ei crestini si serbeaza Craciunul, iar persoana in cauza este doar un "angajat nemultumit" (disgruntled employee).

ma gandesc acum la un caz de concediere care s-a petrecut recent la noi... cineva, a inceput sa aiba "attitude" si sa nu indeplineasca corect si la timp sarcinile de serviciu. se pare ca se baza faptul ca era f. veche in firma (17 ani) si ca era f. buna la ceea ce facea, asa ca nici prin gand nu-i trecea ca o sa-i faca cineva ceva comportamentul neadecvat din ultimul timp. dar uite ca si rabdarea patronilor a ajuns la o limita, asa ca au dat-o afara! cand a vazut in ce situatie dificila s-a pus singura, si-a cerut scuze si s-a rugat de ei sa-i mai dea o sansa. ei bine, nu i-au dat-o! fiindca au considerat ca ii dadusera deja destule... acuma cam toti prin firma au inceput sa zica "vai, dar era de 17 ani angajata aici..." eu cred ca am fost singura care am zis "you know what, they happen to be right". adica daca nu-ti faci treaba, zbori, indiferent cine ai fi. asa e corect.

patinina34 04.01.2009 05:56:19

N-am fost acolo, insa stiu ca va fii un proces. Sa vedem.

mirelat 04.01.2009 05:59:35

scuze, firma nu era de inchirieri de masini, ci de vacante.

patinina34 04.01.2009 06:05:48

Da. Asa e.

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