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Vechi 05.01.2012, 19:14:55
florin.oltean75's Avatar
florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933
Implicit Cunoaste-te pe tine insuti

Acest 'eu' care se ia in serios, pe cat este de funny, atat este de terifiant.

This mistaken perception ( an inherent existent I) is in fact a fearful spirit that must be completely expelled.

The secret of all secrets is to apprehend its vivid form that clearly emerge when we are embarrassed, ashamed, afraid, indignant... simultaneously with its true nature.

There's no other more profound wisdom on earth and in heaven.

Every instant of meditation on its aspect is called an accumulation of wisdom.

A Buddha (a heavenly perfection) is a person who completes both collections of wisdom and collections of merit.

To merely refute the "I" is a mistake.
To find its conventional aspect is the way of the profound wisdom.

Intelepciunea greaca spune: "Cunoaste-te pe tine insuti!"
Dar nu explica cum. (nu are metoda)

Personal, nu am gasit o explicatie rationala nici in crestinism.

In budism este explicata cu claritate natura eului si "cum" se ajunge la aceasta suprema cunoastere.

Trairea crestina profunda poate produce revelatia sinelui, scurtcircuitand explicatiile rationale.

Insa cel ce patrunde in mod rational intelesurile (intelege metodele prezentate in scripturile budiste) ajunge mai lin, fara suisuri si coborasuri abrupte la cunoasterea 'eului'.

"Iar aceasta cunoastere (bogatie infinita, fara asemanare) nu mai poate fi luata de la el".

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