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Vechi 20.07.2008, 14:12:03
nsd nsd is offline
Data înregistrării: 16.07.2008
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Rozariul, dragilor este rugaciunea ceaslovului, a orologhionului, pentru cei simpli, care nu stiau carte...
asa cum sunt 150 de rugaciunea ceasurilor...asa sunt 150 de Nascatoare de Dumnezeu la rugaciunea rozariului....
iar daca Rugaciunea ceasurilor este ceva liturgic, rozariul este doar o practica de este este la fel cu Liturghia....asa cum si in Orient..liturghia e ceva distinct de Utrenie....dar, pentru ca in manastiri se face si ceaslovul, si preotii au obligatia ca inainte de liturghie sa se roage sau sa asculte utrenia, atunci si crestinii participa....dar porunca Bisericeasca ii obliga sub pacat grav pe cretini ca duminica si in sarbatori sa asculte, sa participe la Liturghia si la utrenie....

Ascultarea de ceea ce BIserica propune spre a fi crezut este identica cu ascultarea de Sfintele canoane....Cuvantul Domnului fiind cuprins in Sfanta Scriptura si Sfanta una fara cealalta...

iar Tainele prin care ne sfintim, isi au efect in noi pornind de la vrednicia noatra, desi ele sunt mereu un dar, dar nicidecum nu au efect in noi pornind de la vrednicia celui ce le savarseste....
Liturghia e valabila chiar savarsita de cel mai pacatos preot.
Dumnezeu nu se impiedica in iubirea lui fata de noi de nevrednicia slujitorilor...
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Vechi 29.05.2009, 14:22:14
Maleahi Maleahi is offline
Data înregistrării: 25.05.2009
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În Sfînta Scriptură nu este vorba, în nici un text, despre un papă, tot așa nu este pomenit nimic despre un „ urmaș al lui Petru” , nici despre un „ locțiitor al lui Hristos” , nici despre vreo „ succesiune apostolică” . Pentru justificarea pretențiilor proprii, unor texte biblice li s-au dat explicații forțate, un caz deosebit fiind cel al cuvintelor lui Isus din Mat. 16, 18: „ tu ești Petru (petros), și pe această piatră (petra) voi zidi Biserica Mea, și Porțile Locuinței morților nu o vor birui.” Domnul nu a spus către Petru: „ ...și pe tine voi zidi Biserica Mea” , ci „ această piatră...” Cuvîntul „ petros” înseamnă piatră; însă Biserica urma să fie zidită pe stîncă - „ petra” .

Cine își face timp poate să cerceteze în textul grecesc al Vechiului și al Noului Testament unde se vorbește despre stîncă (petra). Faptul că Domnul ar construi Biserica Sa pe un om, fie acesta și cel mai mare prooroc sau apostol, este complet absurd. Petru era o piatră mișcătoare (petros) și nu o stîncă nemișcătoare (petra). Imediat cinci versete mai jos, Domnul S-a îndreptat spre el cu cuvintele: „ Înapoia Mea, Satano: tu ești o piatră de poticnire pentru Mine! Căci gîndurile tale nu sînt gîndurile lui Dumnezeu, ci gînduri de ale oamenilor” (Mat. 16, 23).

Petru a primit chiar descoperirea referitoare la cine este Hristos, și pe această descoperire a lui Isus Hristos a fost zidită Biserica. Versetul 17 trebuie citit înaintea versetului 18: „ Isus a luat din nou cuvîntul, și a zis: ‘Ferice de tine, Simone, fiul lui Iona; fiindcă nu carnea și sîngele ți-a descoperit lucrul acesta, ci Tatăl Meu care este în ceruri.’ ” Din context reiese clar că Petru a primit o descoperire cerească despre Isus Hristos și a spus, în vers. 16: „ Simon Petru, drept răspuns, I-a zis: ‘Tu ești Hristosul, Fiul Dumnezeului celui viu!’ ” Domnul a întrebat: „ Dar voi - cine ziceți că sînt? ” Răspunsul era o descoperire divină și pe această descoperire a lui Isus Hristos este zidită Biserica.

Vers. 19: „ Îți voi da cheile Împărăției cerurilor...” la fel a fost tîlcuit pentru interesul propriu. Este vorba despre cheile Împărăției. Ioan Botezătorul a predicat: „ Pocăiți-vă, căci Împărăția cerurilor este aproape” (Mat. 3, 2). Despre Domnul nostru citim: „ De atunci încolo, Isus a început să propovăduiască, și să zică: ‘Pocăiți-vă, căci Împărăția cerurilor este aproape’ ” (Mat. 4, 17). În Luca 16, 16 ne este arătată legătura: „ Legea și proorocii au ținut pînă la Ioan; de atunci încoace, Evanghelia Împărăției lui Dumnezeu se propovăduiește”
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Vechi 21.07.2009, 01:52:17
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Implicit Preotii sa nu mediteze inainte de lucrarea Domnului ?

Preotii si chiar mirenii sa nu mediteze inainte de lucrarile Domnului ? E ca si cum ai profana Biserica. Intri in Biserica cu gandurile necurate de afara. Nu trebuie sa te echilibrezi psihic ? Sa nu-mi spune-ti ca la ortodocsi nu exista ganduri necurate ca nu va cred. Popa se duce de la Night Club la slujba sau sa se retraga in odaita lui si sa mediteze mai intai ??????
Probabil yoghinii or bea apa sa nu mai bem apa intrucat yoghinii fac acelasi lucru ? In ce dezastru de logica duce judecata fara harul sfinteniei !!!!
Va spun mai exact (pt. unii) si cand te duci ca omul la buda te concentrezi sau meditezi ca altfel nu poti sa faci pe tine.
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Vechi 30.08.2009, 16:02:40
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Iulia11 Iulia11 is offline
Data înregistrării: 09.06.2009
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Mie imi place ca ei nu fac deloc comert Duminica.
In catedralele si bisericile lor nu se vinde nimic Duminica, doar lumanari cu autoservire.
De fapt in Franta si Germania (in Italia nu e asa din cate cunosc) nu e nici un magazin deschis (doar turcii stau cu aprozarul deschis non stop) nici un supermarket, nimic.
Sunt unele magazine de paine deschise rest ca la noi, sa mearga omul Duminica in hypermarket sau la exista asa ceva. Asta imi place.
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Vechi 30.08.2009, 16:11:01
LapetiteMoc LapetiteMoc is offline
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In Franta marile supermaketuri sunt deschise duminica toata ziua!
De curand s-a votat o lege in acest sens. Ca solutie pentru iesirea din criza s-a decis sa se lucreze intr-una din zilele din week-end si aceasta a fost aleasa duminica. Nu stiu cum e in nord, la tine (e o regiune care se supune mai greu deciziilor de la centru), dar in sud se lucreaza duminica.
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Vechi 30.08.2009, 16:15:37
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Iulia11 Iulia11 is offline
Data înregistrării: 09.06.2009
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Aici la mine nici vorba. Poate sa iti crape obrazul dupa niste biscuiti...tot la turc trebuie sa te duci dupa ei.
Alsacienii sunt foarte traditionalisti. Si nemtii din Baden de alaturi la fel.
Cimitirele lor seamna mult cu cele ortodoxe, au cruci de lemn exact ca maramuresenii, nu lucreaza de nicio sarbatoare mare, nu fac piete de sarbatori, nu comercializeaza nimic Duminica. Si protestantii sunt cam la fel de stricti ca si catolicii.
Din cate stiu situatia cu magazine inchise e si prin Lorena si prin Champagne Ardene.
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Vechi 30.08.2009, 19:52:09
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Noesisaa Noesisaa is offline
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Asa si aici in Olanda. De abia am ajuns, dar se vede ca in oras este un singur supermarket deschis duminica, si ala cine stie unde. In rest, nimic, nimic, nimic, daca nu iti faci cumparaturile de sambata, nu poti sa cumperi. :D
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Vechi 11.09.2009, 11:26:24
Chicco-O Chicco-O is offline
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Data înregistrării: 11.09.2009
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Preotilor ortodoxi le place faptul ca preotii catolici sunt mai apropiati de lume, de crestini. Nu vor decat sa le gasesca nod in papura. In Biserica catolica din cate am observat nu se cer bani, nu platesti spovada, si mai ales nu fac slujbe pentru a face rau cuiva. Cum poti spune ca o Biserica Crestina!! citeste in carti pentru a ghici viitorul sau face slujbe pentru a face rau???? te mai numesti crestin??? Mai invatati de la alte confesiuni cum sa-l indrepti pe om in bine si nu sa-l intorci in ura asupra aproapelui. In Biblie zice de iubire! Unde este acea iubire????
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Vechi 11.09.2009, 16:12:35
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Antoni0 Antoni0 is offline
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În prealabil postat de Chicco-O Vezi mesajul
Preotilor ortodoxi le place faptul ca preotii catolici sunt mai apropiati de lume, de crestini. Nu vor decat sa le gasesca nod in papura. In Biserica catolica din cate am observat nu se cer bani, nu platesti spovada, si mai ales nu fac slujbe pentru a face rau cuiva. Cum poti spune ca o Biserica Crestina!! citeste in carti pentru a ghici viitorul sau face slujbe pentru a face rau???? te mai numesti crestin??? Mai invatati de la alte confesiuni cum sa-l indrepti pe om in bine si nu sa-l intorci in ura asupra aproapelui. In Biblie zice de iubire! Unde este acea iubire????
Of of of! Ai uitat de cosulet? :)

Si vad ca nu intelegi. Banii aia, ii dai cu sufletul, pentru Preot. Ca el din asta traieste. Eu cand dau un ban la biserica, il dau cu un gand bun. Nu ma intereseaza ce se intampla cu banii aia.

De ce ataci? Da, sunt si preoti care deschid cartea (Parintele Vrajitoru', la Liteni). Dar nu vrea sa judec Preotii. Doamne Fereste!

Chiar daca ar fii betiv, curvar, etc Preotul, in timpul Sfintei Liturghii, este mai sfant decat toti Ingerii!

De ce nu zici nimic de cazurile de pedofilie din BC? Dar Miss Maicute? ... Sau imprumuturile cu dobanda? ...
Sa nu mai vorbim de trecut... inchizitie, cate 3 papi la Roma plus toate ereziile etc...
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Vechi 11.02.2010, 09:12:41
Jane Says Jane Says is offline
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E in engleza si e kilometric , pentru cine are rabdare sa citeasca.

" WHEN THOSE WHO censured the immaculate life of the Most Holy Virgin had been rebuked, as well as those who denied Her Evervirginity, those who denied Her dignity as the Mother of God, and those who disdained Her icons-then, when the glory of the Mother of God had illuminated the whole universe, there appeared a teaching which seemingly exalted highly the Virgin Mary, but in reality denied all Her virtues.

This teaching is called that of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and it was accepted by the followers of the Papal throne of Rome. The teaching is this- that "the All-blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of Her Conception, by the special grace of Almighty God and by a special privilege, for the sake of the future merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin" (Bull of Pope Pius IX concerning the new dogma). In other words, the Mother of God at Her very conception was preserved from original sin and, by the grace of God, was placed in a state where it was impossible for Her to have personal sins.

The Orthodox Church, highly exalting the Mother of God in its hymns of praise, does not dare to ascribe to Her that which has not been communicated about Her by Sacred Scripture or Tradition. "Truth is foreign to all overstatements as well as to all understatements. It gives to everything a fitting measure and fitting place" (Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov). Glorifying the immaculateness of the Virgin Mary and the manful bearing of sorrows in Her earthly life, the Fathers of the Church, on the other hand, reject the idea that She was an intermediary between God and men in the sense of the joint Redemption by Them of the human race. Speaking of Her preparedness to die together with Her Son and to suffer together with Him for the sake of the salvation of all, the renowned Father of the Western Church, Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, adds: "But the sufferings of Christ did not need any help, as the Lord Himself prophesied concerning this long before: I looked about, and there was none to help; I sought and there was none to give aid. Therefore My arm delivered them (Is. 63:5)." (St. Ambrose, "Concerning the Upbringing of the Virgin and the Ever-Virginity of Holy Mary," ch. 7).

This same Holy Father teaches concerning the universality of original sin, from which Christ alone is an exception. "Of all those born of women, there is not a single one who is perfectly holy, apart from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who in a special new way of immaculate birthgiving, did not experience earthly taint" (St. Ambrose, Commentary on Luke, ch. 2). "God alone is without sin. All born in the usual manner of woman and man, that is, of fleshly union, become guilty of sin. Consequently, He Who does not have sin was not conceived in this manner" (St. Ambrose, Ap. Aug. "Concerning Marriage and Concupiscence"). "One Man alone, the Intermediary between God and man, is free from the bonds of sinful birth, because He was born of a Virgin, and because in being born He did not experience the touch of sin" (St. Ambrose, ibid., Book 2: "Against Julianus").

The above-cited words of the ancient teachers of the Church testify that in the West itself the teaching which is now spread there was earlier rejected there. Even after the falling away of the Western church, Bernard, who is acknowledged there as a great authority, wrote, " I am frightened now, seeing that certain of you have desired to change the condition of important matters, introducing a new festival unknown to the Church, unapproved by reason, unjustified by ancient tradition. Are we really more learned and more pious than our fathers? You will say, 'One must glorify the Mother of God as much as Possible.' This is true; but the glorification given to the Queen of Heaven demands discernment. This Royal Virgin does not have need of false glorifications, possessing as She does true crowns of glory and signs of dignity.

The teaching of the complete sinlessness of the Mother of God (1) does not correspond to Sacred Scripture, where there is repeatedly mentioned the sinlessness of the One Mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ (I Tim. 2:5); and in Him is no sin (John 3:5); Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth (I Peter 2:22); One that hath been in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15); Him Who knew no sin, He made to be sin on our behalf (II Cor. 5:2 1). But concerning the rest of men it is said, Who is pure of defilement? No one who has lived a single day of his life on earth (Job 14:4). God commendeth His own love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us If, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by His life (Rom. 5:8-10).

(2) This teaching contradicts also Sacred Tradition, which is contained in numerous Patristic writings, where there is mentioned the exalted sanctity of the Virgin Mary from Her very birth, as well as Her cleansing by the Holy Spirit at Her conception of Christ, but not at Her own conception by Anna. "There is none without stain before Thee, even though his life be but a day, save Thee alone, Jesus Christ our God, Who didst appear on earth without sin, and through Whom we all trust to obtain mercy and the remission of sins" (St. Basil the Great, Third Prayer of Vespers of Pentecost). "But when Christ came through a pure, virginal, unwedded, God-fearing, undefiled Mother without wedlock and without father, and inasmuch as it befitted Him to be born, He purified the female nature, rejected the bitter Eve and overthrew the laws of the flesh" (St. Gregory the Theologian, "In Praise of Virginity"). However, even then, as Sts. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom speak of this, She was not placed in the state of being unable to sin, but continued to take care for Her salvation and overcame all temptations (St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on John, Homily 85; St. Basil the Great, Epistle 160).

(3) The teaching that the Mother of God was purified before Her birth, so that from Her might be born the Pure Christ, is meaningless; because if the Pure Christ could be born only if the Virgin might be born pure, it would be necessary that Her parents also should be pure of original sin, and they again would have to be born of purified parents, and going further in this way, one would have to come to the conclusion that Christ could not have become incarnate unless all His ancestors in the flesh, right up to Adam inclusive, had been purified beforehand of original sin. But then there would not have been any need for the very Incarnation of Christ, since Christ came down to earth in order to annihilate sin.

(4) The teaching that the Mother of God was preserved from original sin, as likewise the teaching that She was preserved by God's grace from personal sins, makes God unmerciful and unjust; because if God could preserve Mary from sin and purify Her before Her birth, then why does He not purify other men before their birth, but rather leaves them in sin? It follows likewise that God saves men apart from their will, predetermining certain ones before their birth to salvation.

(5) This teaching, which seemingly has the aim of exalting the Mother of God, in reality completely denies all Her virtues. After all, if Mary, even in the womb of Her mother, when She could not even desire anything either good or evil, was preserved by God's grace from every impurity, and then by that grace was preserved from sin even after Her birth, then in what does Her merit consist? If She could have been placed in the state of being unable to sin, and did not sin, then for what did God glorify Her? if She, without any effort, and without having any kind of impulses to sin, remained pure, then why is She crowned more than everyone else? There is no victory without an adversary.

The righteousness and sanctity of the Virgin Mary were manifested in the fact that She, being "human with passions like us," so loved God and gave Herself over to Him, that by Her purity She was exalted high above the rest of the human race. For this, having been foreknown and forechosen, She was vouchsafed to be purified by the Holy Spirit Who came upon Her, and to conceive of Him the very Saviour of the world. The teaching of the grace-given sinlessness of the Virgin Mary denies Her victory over temptations; from a victor who is worthy to be crowned with crowns of glory, this makes Her a blind instrument of God's Providence.

It is not an exaltation and greater glory, but a belittlement of Her, this "gift" which was given Her by Pope Pius IX and all the rest who think they can glorify the Mother of God by seeking out new truths. The Most Holy Mary has been so much glorified by God Himself, so exalted is Her life on earth and Her glory in heaven, that human inventions cannot add anything to Her honor and glory. [/quote]

Doar cateva fragmente.
„Ca o carpa lepadata toata dreptatea noastra” (Is 64,5)
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