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Vechi 30.04.2010, 05:45:35
anna21 anna21 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 07.03.2009
Religia: Ortodox
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În prealabil postat de tigerAvalo9 Vezi mesajul
Exista multi ortodocsi practicanti care nu ti-ar da dreptate,sa stii.
Omul le poate face pe amandoua in viata asta.Cunoasterea si aflarea vietii pe alta planeta nu impiedica mantuirea.Cu ce afecteaza asta mantuirea?Stii bine ca daca omul nu avea dorinta de cunoasterea mai ne incalzeam si acum la foc si traiam in pesteri.
Nu ma apucam sa citesc despre astfel de fenomene daca nu m-ar fi deranjat enorm faptul ca se cheltuiesc bani (in fond bani publici) pentru proiecte fanteziste de descoperire a extratestrilor in conditiile in care pe pamant mor de mizerie si boli atatia oameni!
Si nu pot sa inteleg care este scopul. Este ilogic. Daca exista extraterestrii cu tehnologii avansate este firesc sa ne descopere ei pe noi. Daca i-ar interesa contactul cu oamenii, atunci si asta s-ar intampla.

In fine, eu sunt de parere ca toata nebunia cu extratestrii este de natura demonica.. din multe si variate motive.

Pt divertisment, cateva date despre OZN-uri (cele care intr-adevar nu pot fi explicate, ca multe se dovedesc a fi obiecte pamantene: baloane, avioane etc..)
"UFOs have been tracked by scientists traveling at over 25,000 miles per hour. UFOs have also made right angle turns at an estimated 15,000 miles per hour. They have made 90 degree turns in mid air and they have instantly reversed direction while moving at these high speeds. Planes made by humans make sonic booms when they travel at such speeds, but UFOs make no sonic booms. In fact, in most sightings of UFOs, no noise is heard at all. UFOs have sometimes been picked upon radar, and other times they cannot be picked up on radar. UFOs sometimes show up on photographs, but other times they do not. While in flight UFOs frequently change size or shape in front of people, and they appear as strange lights. UFOs also change colors,many times only when accelerating, with virtually every color of thspectrum reported.
Sometimes UFOs instantly appear and disappear infront of people and they will pass right through physical objects. Peophave also seen multiple UFOs merge into one UFO, and one UFO turn into many UFOs. There is no one that can explain, from a scientstandpoint, how it is possible for any material craft to do these things. Many have objected to the idea that UFOs are alien aircrafts precisely because UFOs have performed flying maneuvers that are impossible for any materially constructed craft. They violate the known laws of science. Physicist James McCampbell, speaking to an academic conference on UFOs in 1975, stated: “… in flight, their startling departures, sudden stops, and right angle turns at high speed require them to be virtually massless.”
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