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Vechi 18.12.2010, 19:35:11
Danut7 Danut7 is offline
Data înregistrării: 30.07.2009
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.543

În prealabil postat de Radu32 Vezi mesajul
bun, dar daca vine de la diavol, inseamna ca asta are o putere mare in cadrul creatiei divine !
de unde-i vine astuia aceasta putere cutremuratoare ?!
Un post al unui om de pe alt forum, probabil de alta religie :

Originally Posted by Beholy The Scriptures DO say that God creates darkness. Since it is nonsense for God to create NOTHING, even for Him, if you think about it, God is actually admitting here that space itself is a thing and was created by God (see the end of Romans 8, where God states, through Paul, that He has created height and depth). Einstein himself admitted that space can be warped (the existence of black holes makes this clear) and time can be dilated. Shucks, even the great (atheist) Doctor Stephen Hawking agreed that space could be warped. We seem to think that just because nothing seems to be there, that nothing is, even the space around us has something in it, air! Space has something in it, space. God is hard to comprehend because He does not need time, He created it for US. He states, in one of Peters letters (which escapes me, now) that a thousand years is as one day and one day is as a thousand years. That is God's way of saying that WE need time. His creation needs time. He does not. Evil (in the sense of sinful evil) is a perversion of what is good and thus can be said to have been created by God in the sense that the wood that one build one's house with came from God and so, the things from which evil is "constructed" came from God. You can say God created all things, but mankind "built" houses, cars, ships to the moon, and sin/evil. I think you (and many people, also) have a problem with definitions. Man does not create anything, indeed he cannot, but he, like God, can construct or build things out of the raw materials that God properly creates.
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