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Vechi 19.06.2013, 14:29:08
sophia sophia is offline
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Data înregistrării: 25.06.2007
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În prealabil postat de AlinB Vezi mesajul
"Am marturiile unui legist care a facut la viata lui foarte multe necropsii si mi-a spus ca la vegetarieni sistemul cardiovascular era plin de ateromatoze, erau bolnavi de ateroscleroza mai mult decat cei care mancau carne”, a declarat prof. dr Mencinicopschi pentru

Mencinicopschi este un mincinos sau un ignorant.

Sunt o gramada de studii care indica faptul ca vegetarienii sant mult mai putin expusi la bolile de inima si ca tocmai carnea creste acest risc.

Vegetarians Less Likely To Die From Or Be Hospitalized For Heart Disease, Study Shows

Culprit in Heart Disease Goes Beyond Meat’s Fat

"The researchers had come to believe that what damaged hearts was not just the thick edge of fat on steaks, or the delectable marbling of their tender interiors. In fact, these scientists suspected that saturated fat and cholesterol made only a minor contribution to the increased amount of heart disease seen in red-meat eaters. The real culprit, they proposed, was a little-studied chemical that is burped out by bacteria in the intestines after people eat red meat. It is quickly converted by the liver into yet another little-studied chemical called TMAO that gets into the blood and increases the risk of heart disease."
Studii peste studii, care se contrazic. Cine mai stie ceva astazi?
Eu nu cred ca minte sau este ignorant. Am citit unele lucruri pe care le sustine.
Cred ca organismul uman reactioneaza individual.
Medicul ala legist care se uita inauntru n-o vorbi aiurea. Ma gandesc eu...
Dar dietele unilaterale nu sunt totusi bune.
A fi crestin = smerenie + iubire de aproape
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