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Vechi 13.09.2016, 11:25:33
AlinB AlinB is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 29.01.2007
Religia: Ortodox
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În prealabil postat de florin.oltean75 Vezi mesajul
Insa este greu de crezut ca Iisus a binecuvantat cu monograma greceasca a propriului Sau nume ( I C X C). In acest caz, explicatia oferita este necredibila, insa o explicatie care evita orice asociere cu mudrele budiste.
E necredibila pentru lupul in haine de ortodox, cum e si normal :))

Si daca te duci la secta lu' guru bivolaru si aia o sa-ti zica despre ucenicia in cele yoghine a Maestrului Isus care a folosit tehnici fakirice pentru a-si inscena moartea pe cruce, Brahman fereste sa fi murit pe bune si sa fi inviat, pai n-a inviat vreun Guru de a lor, cum se poate sa faca asta vreun invatator crestin?

Si daca veni vorba, din gama "sa mai radem putin":

Disciples of millionaire guru refuse to have him cremated because they say he's not dead - just meditating (in a deep freezer since January)

Disciples of a millionaire spiritual guru have refused to have him cremated because they say he is meditating - in a freezer.

Now the wife and son of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj, who is said to be worth ÂŁ100million, have reportedly launched a court battle to retrieve his body after saying he died in January.

His followers at the Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission) insist he is just in a 'deep meditative state', and called on followers to stand by his 31-year-old sect 'under all circumstances'.

Mission spokesman Swami Vishalanand said scores of spiritual leaders throughout history had survived after months of samadhi in the Himalayas, which have freezer-like conditions.

'[He] is still sending messages through followers in their meditative stage to protect his body until he returns,' Mr Vishalanand added.
Suprema intelepciune este a distinge binele de rau.

Last edited by AlinB; 13.09.2016 at 11:30:47.