Subiect: Icoana unicat
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Vechi 15.06.2013, 18:35:43
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delia31 delia31 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 17.01.2010
Religia: Ortodox
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În prealabil postat de Pelerin spre Rasarit Vezi mesajul
Foarte interesanta icoana,seamana cu cele pictate de copti,mereu am avut sentimentul unei picturi realizate de un copil.Cel din dreapta,hranit,de corbi,este Sfantul Ilie la paraul Kedrit?Totusi are matanii la brau,cred ca este un simbol cumva,pe vremea lui Ilie nu cred ca erau cunoscute.Leii langa un om sfant este o tema care s-a mai repetat,vezi sfantul Gherasim de la Iordan care a vindecat parca un leu ce i-a ramas apoi aproape pana la sfarsit.Cine este cel din stanga,este avva Antonie cel Mare?Poarta pe cap acel acoperamant cum au isihastii?De ce este scris in araba,de unde provine icoana?

Intr-adevar, e foarte frumoasa icoana de la Mirela.

Unul din sfinti e Antonie cel Mare, asa cum ai zis, iar celalalt e Pavel Tebeul (din Tebaida Egiptului). A fost si el hranit de un corb, la fel ca profetul Ilie la paraul Cherit, a imblanzit si el lei, la fel ca Gherasim de la Iordan, care apoi i-au slujit si care i-au sapat groapa atunci cand a murit la varsta de 113 ani.
Sf. Pavel Tebeul e primul pustnic cunoscut al crestinatatii, iar cel care l-a gasit mort, in genunchi cu mainile impreunate in rugaciune, a fost Antonie cel Mare. Antonie e imbracat in vesminte monahale, avand pe cap camilafca.

Cred ca ai fi surprins sa afli ca aceasta icoana l-a fascinat si pe William Dalrymple, un autor scotian care a rescris jurnalul de calatorie al Sf. Ioan Moscul de la Muntele Athos la Manastirea Sf. Antonie cel Mare din Egipt.

Iata ce scrie el in lucrarea “From The Holy Mountain – a journey in the shadow of Byzantium”:

“Often the saint was shown in the company of his friend St Paul the Hermit: while St Anthony was held by the Copts to be the first monk, St Paul was said to be the first hermit. When the two were shown together they were always accompanied by a raven that, according to St Jerome’s version of the legend, diligently brought a loaf of bread every day to their cave.
In some icons the two men were also accompanied by a pair of lions (see icon below), again a reference to St Jerome’s “Life of St Paul the First Hermit” which tells how the lions helped St Anthony bury his friend: Even as St Anthony wondered how he was to bury his friend, two lions came coursing, their manes flying, from the inner desert and made towards him. At the sight of them, he was at first in dread: then turning his mind to God, he waited undismayed, as though he looked on doves. They came straight to the body of the Holy Paul, and halted by it wagging their tails, then crouched themselves at his feet, roaring mightily; and Anthony knew well they were lamenting him, as best they could. Then, going a little way off, they began to scratch up the ground with their paws, vying with each other to throw up the sand, till they had dug a grave roomy enough for a man ...

The reason for my particular interest in the icons of St Anthony was that during the Dark Ages the saint was also a favourite subject for the Pictish artists of my native Scotland, as well as for those across the sea in Ireland. The Celtic monks of both countries consciously looked on St Anthony as their ideal and their prototype..."

Vezi in linkul de mai jos mai multe detalii despre legatura dintre Egiptul coptilor si Scotia celtilor. Dupa cum descrie autorul scotian, primii eremiti din Irlanda si Scotia erau numiti “pueri egyptiaci”, copiii egiptenilor.

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