Subiect: Feminismul
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Vechi 04.06.2014, 22:12:19
Parascheva16's Avatar
Parascheva16 Parascheva16 is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 26.02.2013
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 1.920

Imi pare rau, dar miscarea feminista nu a inceput in secolul XX in America. A inceput mult mai devreme, in Europa--revolutia franceza, Marx, Engels, Freud etc. Societatea Americana era destul de puritana. Dupa cele doua razboaie nucleul s-a mutat in SUA. Si sa stiti ca nu doar femeile au facut parte din miscarea feminista, ci si barbatii.

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (Penguin Classics) by Friedrich Engels

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884), was a provocative and profoundly influential critique of the Victorian nuclear family. Engels argued that the traditional monogamous household was in fact a recent construct, closely bound up with capitalist societies. Under this patriarchal system, women were servants and, effectively, prostitutes. Only Communism would herald the dawn of communal living and a new sexual freedom and, in turn, the role of the state would become superfluous.
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