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Vechi 15.06.2013, 21:53:41
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delia31 delia31 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 17.01.2010
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 1.742

În prealabil postat de Pelerin spre Rasarit Vezi mesajul
Delia multumesc mult,ca in multe alte momente din trecut imi orientezi corect privirea.Eu,cand am cautat prin carti si imagini,ca sa-mi dau seama cine este cel din dreapta am dat si eu peste Pavel dar m-am gandit la Ilie interpretand simbolic :) siragul de matanii si leii,pt un fel de metafora dar acum realizez ca de fapt nu erau o metafora ci chiar realitatea.Hm,metanoia este inca un pod prea indepartat pt mine.Cu privire la cele scrise de tine in continuare habar nu aveam.Multumesc si mai mult pt lectia de cultura,mi-am insusit-o si voi cauta si eu mai mult.Per total m-ai corectat unde greseam si mi-am dat si informatii noi pe care ar fi trebuit sa le stiu.Este mereu o bucurie mare sa ai prieteni/o prietena in adevaratul sens al notiunii.Multumesc !

Ei, da, multumesc de aprecieri. Exagerezi, evident.
Da, prezenta corbului trimite aproape instant la profetul Ilie.
In afara de intamplarea de la paraul Cherit, unde, desigur e imediat recunoscut, corbul mai e protagonist in multe vieti de sfinti.

Ca o curiozitate offtopic, Google-stie-tot a si alcatuit the list of profiled saints that may be depicted with a raven:

Adam the Patriarch (with animals in general; being taught to bury Abel)
Elijah the Prophet (fed by ravens while living as a hermit)
Eve the Matriarch (with animals in general; being taught to bury Abel)
Noah the Patriarch (first bird released to see if the Flood waters had receded)
Saint Benedict of Nursia (symbol of eremitical life)
Saint Boniface (possibly because he “defeated” Odin, one of whose symbols were the ravens that brought him knowledge)
Saint Columba of Iona (woken by ravens to deliver a prophecy)
Saint Erasmus (fed by ravens while on the run from Diocletian)
Saint Kevin of Glendalough (during one Lent, while he held his arms outstretched in prayer, a blackbird laid an egg in the Kevin‘s hand; he remained in that position in prayer until the baby bird hatched)
Saint Meinrad (two ravens led authorities to the hiding place of Meinrad‘s killers)
Saint Paul the Hermit (fed by ravens while living as a hermit)
Saint Oswald of Northumbria (had a pet raven; following Oswald‘s death, the bird rescued his severed arm, and where it fell a holy well sprang up)
Saint Vincent of Saragossa (a raven protected Saint Vincent‘s martyred body from attacks from other animals)

E si Sf. Columba din Iona, apostolul pictilor din Scotia, pe lista.
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