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Vechi 25.05.2013, 10:17:52
Decebal Decebal is offline
Data înregistrării: 19.07.2012
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 1.651
Implicit "Ucigași în numele lui Dumnezeu"

The Western Press is usually silent about the genocide of Serbian people during the Second World War. Here, on the territory of the Independent State of Croatia arbitrarily delineated by Hitler and Mussolini and separated from Yugoslavia, 2 million and 300 thousand Serbs found themselves under the Nazi regime of Ustashi. This regime was headed by the Catholic Croat agent Pavelic who was sent from Rome. He was one of the most cruel executioners in world history who has ever committed atrocities. Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac of Zagreb, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Croatia, immediately acknowledged Pavelic, and declared the state headed by him, to be Roman Catholic, in which there should be no place for the Orthodox.

The Ustashi, encouraged by their Papist Primate Stepinac and Croatian clergy, began persecution of the Orthodox Serbs, unimaginable for civilized people, let alone Christians. Hundreds of Roman Catholic clergy took part in killings and all kinds of violent acts. "The brutal nature of the militant Croatian clerical fascism expressed itself in such terrible manifestations as to surpass the horrors of Inquisition in the Middle Ages..."

(...) During the years 1941-1945 the Independent State of Croatia accomplished a monstrous plan publicly formulated by the Ustashi minister Mile Budak: "We will murder one third of Serbs, evict another, and we will convert the rest to the Catholic faith thus turning them into Croats".

In this Roman-Catholic Ustashi land of horrors, where the Orthodox were forced to wear a blue arm-band with the letter "P" ("Pravoslavec" - Engl. Orthodox), similar to the Jews who wore the hexagonal yellow star. During four years Ustashi had tortured and killed about 800.000 Serbs, 40.000 Gypsies and 30.000 Jews, deported 280.000 and forcibly rebaptized 240.000.

With a particularly ferocious hatred the clerical fascists attacked Orthodox churches and Orthodox clergy. They created a special Institution For the Destruction of Orthodox Churches. Almost all Orthodox churches on the territory of the Independent Croatia were destroyed, burned, or converted into Catholic churches. As a whole 450 Orthodox churches suffered destruction in these terrible years in the Independent State of Croatia. In the Uniat diocese of Krizhevac, for example, all Orthodox churches and chapels were turned into Catholic ones. Terrible fate befell Orthodox bishops and hundreds of priests in Croatia. They were either murdered with exceptional fanatical cruelty, or evicted to Serbia.
Ludmilla Perepiolkina, "Ucigași în numele lui Dumnezeu"

Să ne aducem aminte convertirea forțată în masă la romano-catolicism din Polonia, în perioada dintre cele două războaie mondiale, ca și genocidul celor 700.000 de sârbi ortodocși dintre anii 1941-1945, care a avut loc în ,,statul independent” militant romano-catolic. Ortodocșii din Croația au fost forțați să poarte litera chirilică ,,P” de la pravoslavnici sau ortodocși, precum evreii care au fost forțați să poarte steaua lui David în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial. Această este o dovadă fără de tăgadă că sârbii au fost exterminați de croații romano-catolici brutali și radicali pur și simplu deoarece ei aparțineau Sfintei noastre Biserici Ortodoxe.
Herman Ivanov-Treenadszaty
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