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Vechi 27.01.2014, 12:32:00
Psihiatrist Psihiatrist is offline
Data înregistrării: 26.01.2014
Mesaje: 11

În prealabil postat de Mandea77 Vezi mesajul
Nenea psihiatrist'u, asa patesti cand vezi pe sarite un film de 2 ore in 3 minute si nu intelegi nimic.

Daca ai vazut filmul, probabil ca nici nu ai mai fi facut comentarii ... ai fi aflat ca s-au facut experimente genetice timp de 7 (sapte) ani pe celule denucleate, experimente care au dus la anularea ipotezei evolutioniste/neo-evolutioniste in mediul academic.

Se pare ca ai cam fugit de acasa in primii 7 ani, nu prea s-au ocupat parintii de tine ?
... Am cautat pe net acele "experimente" si nu am gasit nimic poate dai si tu un link ceva??
Daca au anulat stiintific teoria evolutionista vreau sa stiu si eu cum?

Tot ce am gasit de lipton este ca toata teoria inca nu a fost demonstrata. Cum nu poti dovedi un negativ ramane ca domnul lipton sa dovedeasca ca metoda "mind over mater" functioneaza.

The Emperor's New Clothes are Hype, August 14, 2005
By Jonni Anderson
This review is from: The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles (Hardcover)
Unless you're an avid reader of scientific jargon and theory, save your money. At best, this book is misleading; at worst, it borders on scam.

Most readers, like me, are searching for answers: what is the meaning of Dr. Lipton's miraculous discovery? How can I apply it to my life? How can it help me change my beliefs - for that is what the complete title implies: "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles."

Readers should be aware that Lipton's breakthrough "discovery" occurred as the result of emotional upheavals in his life that drove him to teach biology at an offshore university that specializes in accepting medical students who can't qualify for American medical universities. A misfit teaching misfits.

I'm not a scientist, so I have no way of knowing if the scientific "proof" he presents is proof or hyperbole. Although it's nice to know his wonderful and exciting discovery has a basis in what he presents as scientific fact, as a layperson I just want to know how I can apply what he learned to my own life.

Halfway through the book, he was still spouting scientific jargon, explaining and re-explaining. About that time I confess I started to skim, as the suspicion grew that he had no intention of answering my pressing question. Okay, Dr. Lipton, this scientific stuff is all well and good - but what's your point?

He doesn't state his point until after the end of the book - in the Addendum: "I use PSYCH-K™ in my own life. . . I believe PSYCH-K™ represents an important step toward the New Psychology for the 21st century, and beyond. You can find more information about PSYCH-K™ at Rob's web site: [...]."

That, my friends, is his answer to changing your beliefs: Rob Williams' PSYCH-K™. Ah, but visit the website and you'll find no hint as to how to apply these wondrous techniques! No, you have to take a class that costs around $350.

Neat, huh?

P. T. Barnum said there's a fool born every minute. I was the fool for falling for the hype and ordering the book. Don't make the same mistake.