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Vechi 21.07.2018, 05:39:05
Ali Baba Ali Baba is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 20.10.2017
Mesaje: 707

lasa versetele, important este cand au fost scrise, e ca si cand tu crezi ca moise a scris cum a murit. cel mai bine e sa incercam sa intelegem mai exact cum vede iudaismul treaba asta si de ce are atata importanta satan in crestinism vizavi de iudaism. exista si texte evreiesti mai vechi de secolul 6, dar niciunul nu-l pomeneste, toate celelalte sunt dupa revenirea din babilon.

"Jewish vs. Christian Conceptions of Satan

On the whole, Satan occupies a far more prominent place in Christian theology than in traditional rabbinic sources. The Book of Revelation, in the New Testament, references an “ancient serpent” — commonly understood as the snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden — “who is the Devil and Satan.” It describes a reg dragon with seven heads and 10 horns that stands opposite a pregnant woman about to give birth in order to devour the child — that is, Jesus. Revelation further describes a war in heaven in which Satan is hurled to earth, where he proceeds to lead the world astray. (In the New Testament’s Book of Luke, Jesus says he saw Satan “fall like lightning from heaven.”) According to Christian prophecy, Satan will be bound by a chain for 1,000 years after the return of Jesus.

Some of these Christian ideas are echoed in Jewish tradition, but some also point to fundamental differences — most notably perhaps the idea that, in the Hebrew Bible at least, Satan is ultimately subordinate to God, carrying out his purpose on earth. Or that he isn’t real at all, but is merely a metaphor for sinful impulses.

The kabbalistic and Hasidic literature complicate this view, offering a closer parallel to Christian eschatology. Both the kabbalistic/Hasidic and Christian traditions describe the forces of the holy and the demonic as locked in a struggle that will culminate in God’s eventual victory. According to some scholars, this is born of the considerable cross-pollination between Christian and Jewish thinking in the so-called “golden age” of Jewish culture in Spain during the Middle Ages, from whence many of the early kabbalistic texts, including the Zohar, emerged."

bunica-mea imi zicea sa nu mai dau din picioare ca-l legan pe dracu , chiar si astazi din doi popi de-ai nostri unul il pomeneste macar o data la doua fraze, in fiecare saptamana in bisericile si manastirile noastre se fac cateva zeci de scoateri de draci din demonizati... este asta invatatura ortodoxa sau o dovada, inca una, a primitivismului romanilor? tu sa-mi spui.

dracul, raiul, iadul, purgatoriul catolicilor, fundamentale in crestinism, dar iudaismul cum le vede?

"We Don’t Know, So Must Make Our Lives Count

As is clear from this brief discussion, the Jewish tradition contains a variety of opinions on the subjects of heaven and hell. And modern Jewish thinkers have generally shied away from the topic.

However, the rise of interest in mysticism in the last several decades has prompted a renewed discussion about the afterlife. Given the rich mythical descriptions of the afterlife in the classical Jewish tradition, we must ask how such imagery impacts our views of heaven and hell and the destiny of the human soul.

Are these ideas to be dismissed as the wishes of earlier, less sophisticated religious seekers? Have advances in the natural sciences made it impossible for us to believe in life after death? Or has our disillusionment with certain aspects of modernity — particularly its great reliance on rationality — reopened the possibility of belief in the afterlife in our day?"

Dar Duhul spune lămurit că, în vremurile din urmă, unii se vor lepăda de credință, ca să se alipească de duhuri înșelătoare și de învățăturile dracilor, abătuți de fățărnicia unor oameni care vorbesc minciuni, însemnați cu fierul roșu în însuși cugetul lor. Ei opresc căsătoria și întrebuințarea bucatelor pe care Dumnezeu le-a făcut ca să fie luate cu mulțumiri de către cei ce cred și cunosc adevărul.
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