Subiect: Pro Liturgia
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Vechi 06.05.2011, 18:03:57
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Noesisaa Noesisaa is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 10.10.2008
Locație: Christendom
Religia: Catolic
Mesaje: 1.826

Iata ce spune Sfantul Parinte in cartea-interviu aparuta anul trecut in noiembrie:

“I am not opposed in principle to Communion in the hand; I have both administered and received Communion in this way myself.”
“The idea behind my current practice of having people kneel to receive Communion on the tongue was to send a signal and to underscore the Real Presence with an exclamation point. One important reason is that there is a great danger of superficiality precisely in the kinds of Mass events we hold at Saint Peter’s, both in the Basilica and in the Square. I have heard of people who, after receiving Communion, stick the Host in their wallet to take home as a kind of souvenir."
“In this context, where people think that everyone is just automatically supposed to receive Communion — everyone else is going up, so I will, too–I wanted to send a clear signal. I wanted it to be clear: Something quite special is going on here! He is here, the One before whom we fall on our knees! Pay attention!"

Nu vorbeste de o directiva (o instructiune care trebuie implementata de toata lumea), nici ca Impartasania in mana ar fi sacrilegiu in sine si obiectiv. Sigur poate duce la sacrilegiu, scade credinta in Prezenta Reala, rupe traditia milenara a Bisericii, scade respectul subiectiv pe care credinciosii il datoreaza Domnului prezent in mod fizic in fata lor, promoveaza o viziune de factura protestanta asupra Sf. Impartasanii, deci promovarea primirii Sf. Impartasanii in mana (se practica in Romania?? Nu cred ca am vazut asa ceva...) trebuie evitata. El vrea sa dea un, bineinteles, orice bun catolic ar trebui sa il urmeze.
„Mare ești tu, Doamne, și preavrednic de laudă (…) Căci pentru tine ne‑ai creat și neliniștită este inima noastră până sa-si afle odihna in tine.” (Sfântul Augustin).

Last edited by Noesisaa; 06.05.2011 at 18:11:33.
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