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Vechi 12.02.2016, 14:19:56
Intrarea Vagonului
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Citez din "when Judaism and christianity began: essays in memory of Anthony J. Saldarini", in care se ridica o probelema interesanta:

"B. San. 98a refers to the donkey mentioned by Zechariah
upon which the Messiah will ride:
Said Rabbi Alexandri: Rabbi Joshua the son of Levi raised a difficulty
between two verses: In Daniel 7:13 its is written, “And behold there
came with the clouds like the SON of MAN,” but it is written (Zech.
9:9), “humble and riding on an ass [on a colt the foal of an ass].”
The solution is if Israel has merit, he will come with the clouds of
heaven; if they do have no merit, [he will come] humble and riding
on an ass

Partea subliniata ma intereseaza. E, cred, una din multele mostre de profunzime si straluctia inspiratie a interpretarilor rabinice ale aspectului mesianic.
Sunt curios ce vor zice colegii, indeosebi cei trei mentionati.
Aveti cuvantul.
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