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Vechi 28.08.2009, 18:49:52
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Florin-Ionut Florin-Ionut is offline
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Data înregistrării: 17.07.2008
Locație: Timișoara
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 5.411

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Am o nelamurire. In Biblia veche de la 1600 scrie ca Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul se hranea cu mladite si miere salbatica. In editiile recente scrie ca acest prooroc se hranea cu lacuste si miere salbatica. Sincer eu cred ca Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul, ca vietuitor al pustiei, a optat pentru muguri si mladite, nu pentru lacuste! - mergi la Matei 3, 4 si da click pe ἀκρίδες:

,n {ak-rece'}
a locust, particularly that species which especially infests oriental countries, stripping fields and trees. Numberless swarms of them almost every spring are carried by the wind from Arabia into Palestine, and having devastated that country, migrate to regions farther north, until they perish by falling into the sea. The Orientals accustomed to feed upon locusts, either raw or roasted and seasoned with salt (or prepared in other ways), and the Israelites also were permitted to eat them.

sau vezi aici:
Să nu abați inima mea spre cuvinte de vicleșug, ca să-mi dezvinovățesc păcatele mele;
Psalmul 140, 4

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