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Vechi 29.11.2011, 12:05:12
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Florin-Ionut Florin-Ionut is offline
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Data înregistrării: 17.07.2008
Locație: Timișoara
Religia: Ortodox
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În prealabil postat de Theodor_de_Mopsuestia Vezi mesajul
Nu este posibil sa fie asa... Ok, daca discutia de pe acest topic ar fi despre quarci si muoni, eu fiind varza complet la fizica, as merge pe mana specialistilor. Insa aici e vorba si despre dovezi empirice, fratilor! Dovezi, care stau la cateva sute de euro distanta. Adica bilete de avion, care sa acopere "rotundul Pamantului", cum scrie deopotriva poetic si exact, in Tanakh.

Saitul pe care te invit să-l citești este populat cu destui oameni doxa de fizică. S-a discutat despre experimentul cu pendulul lui Foucault, despre efectul Coriolis, despre aurore, despre gravitație, timezone șamd. Aruncă o privire peste demonstrațiile făcute și apoi trage singur concluziile.

Văd că insiști pe călătoriile cu avionul. Presupun că știi engleză ( ) :

Q: "How come the travel time by air from South America to New Zealand, via the polar route, is SHORTER than the travel time going North first and then South again?"

A: The airline pilots are guided by their GPS. Remember that satellites do not exist. The replacement data given from pseudolites deliberately throwing distorting all the paths to make it the flights take different times. The curvature of these paths can add or subtract great distances without the overall turning being obvious to someone traveling it.

Q: "When traveling in a straight direction, you will always reach the same point on the globe from where you started. How can this happen if the world is flat?"

A: You need to have evidence for this to be true. Also, define "straight." Remember, the northern point on the compass is pointing toward the center of the Earth. If you follow your compass due east or due west, ending up at the same point you started from, you have just gone around the world in a circle. Thus, circumnavigation is possible on FE.

Q: "If you go directly south won't you eventually fall off the edge of the Earth?"

A: Yes, you will. In order to use this fact as proof you need to record a video of someone flying directly south around the world without falling off the edge. Furthermore you need to prove that your navigational equipment allows you to travel directly south without deviating.
Să nu abați inima mea spre cuvinte de vicleșug, ca să-mi dezvinovățesc păcatele mele;
Psalmul 140, 4

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