Subiect: Fratii lui Iisus
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Vechi 24.10.2012, 06:28:06
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editheraven editheraven is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 07.01.2011
Religia: Alta confesiune
Mesaje: 111

Cu toate astea, toate traducerile in engleza si cea catolica scriu

Versiunea catolica : " Trezindu-se din somn, Iosif a făcut după cum i-a poruncit îngerul
Domnului: a luat-o la sine pe sotia lui si nu a cunoscut-o înainte
ca ea să fi născut un fiu
. si i-a pus numele Isus."

KJV: "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

In Biblia Amplificata scrie asa "25 But he had no union with her as her husband until she had borne her firstborn Son; and he called His name Jesus."

In traducerea din ebaica scrie asa : "25 But he had no union with her as her husband until she had borne her firstborn Son; and he called His name Jesus."

In versiunea sinodala ruseasca scrie asa "и не знал Ее. Как наконец Она родила Сына Своего первенца, и он нарек Ему имя: Иисус."

(care tradus mot a mot si din topor inseamna : Also did not know It. As finally It has given birth to the Son of the first-born, and it has named to It a name: Jesus.)

Traducerea in latina inseamna acelasi lucru : "et non cognoscebat eam donec peperit filium suum primogenitum et vocavit nomen eius Iesum" ca celelalte de mai sus.

Last edited by editheraven; 24.10.2012 at 06:31:19.
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