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Vechi 23.01.2007, 21:07:05
Mesaje: n/a

Draga Elena,

Iti redau mai jos ce am gasit pe internet despre locul unde se afla Sf. Nicolae Planas, in Atena (Biserica Sf. Ioan):

The Life Of Saint Nicholas of Athens
Also Known As Papa Nicholas (Planas)
1851 - 1932

Compiled by
Fr. Demetrios

His body was buried in the courtyard of the church of Saint John. His bones were placed in a silver reliquary in the new majestic church of St. John. His whole life was proof of the divine power and wisdom which God the Creator grants to those who love Him and keep His commandments.

Numai bine si Dumnezeu sa-ti ajute sa-l gasesti pe acest sfant, asa cum iti doresti!

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