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Vechi 17.01.2014, 10:48:34
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Florin-Ionut Florin-Ionut is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 17.07.2008
Locație: Timișoara
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 5.411

În prealabil postat de Fani71 Vezi mesajul
Exista marturii de rezultate concrete?
Au fost prea multe cazuri de succes pentru ca autorul să dea lista cu nume și eventual cît a postit. Omul a supravegheat mii de oameni și scrie ce a văzut cu ochii lui.

In Europe and America, literally thousands of tumors have been autolyzed during the past fifty years, and the effectiveness of the method is beyond doubt. I can give no definite information about bone tumors and nerve tumors; but, since these are subject to the same laws of nutrition as all other tumors, I am disposed to think that they may be autolyzed as effectively as other tumors. In my own experience I have seen numerous fibroid tumors of the uterus and breast, lipomas in various parts of the body, a few epitheliomas, a whole group of myomas and a number of tumors that were apparently early cancer autolyzed and absorbed while the patient fasted. I have seen many warts disappear during fasting and I have seen many warts on which the fasting process seemed to have no effect. I have never seen a mole affected by the fasting process. I have seen a number of cysts completely destroyed by fasting and others that were merely reduced in size. It will be recalled that Graham mentions having seen cysts (wens) absorbed during fasting.”

Mai este un expert în post cu apă care la viața lui a supravegheat mii de oameni, experimentînd destule miracole realizate prin această metodă.

Postul - un miracol de Paul C. Bragg (așa se numește la noi în librării)
Să nu abați inima mea spre cuvinte de vicleșug, ca să-mi dezvinovățesc păcatele mele;
Psalmul 140, 4

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