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Vechi 31.05.2012, 00:56:11
tikkun_olam tikkun_olam is offline
Data înregistrării: 27.05.2012
Mesaje: 35

April 16, 2012 - Ferial Day

U.S. Judge Orders Newchurch Bishop to Stand Trial for Sex Crime
Robert Finn Is the First Bishop to Be Personally Charged in Newchurch Sex Holocaust

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Robert Finn, Newchurch Bishop of Kansas City, Missouri
Is the First U.S. Newbishop Ordered to Stand Criminal Trial
For Complicity in the Rape of Children
Finn, Who Pretends to Be at Least a Little "Traditional"
Is Not Even Catholic, Let Alone Christian

A U.S. judge on April 5, 2012, has ordered a Newchurch bishop, Robert Finn, and his Newdiocese of Kansas City, Missouri, to stand trial on criminal charges that he knowingly failed to report a presbyter found with pornographic pictures of little girls on his church computer to police. That presbyter, Shawn Ratigan, who was personally known to Finn to be a paedophile and whom Finn nevertheless left in pastoral ministry without notifying parents and the police, is now in jail awaiting trial on 13 counts of child pornography. Finn is the highest-ranking U.S. Newchurch leader to be charged as a criminal in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.

The perverted Finn tried to get the charge dismissed, but courageous Circuit Judge John Torrence refused to dismiss the charge and ruled that the Newbishop couldn't slough his personal responsibility off onto his subordinates. Respondeat superior is the legal principle. Finn will stand trial starting September 24, 2012. Finn hypocritically claimed that "he had no duty to report the situation to authorities because he was not the 'designated reporter' within the diocese." Yeah, right; the tooth fairy is responsible.

Finn's Newdiocese spokeswoman, hit between the eyes with the judge's unexpected ruling against the Newbishop, sputtered that she could not comment, citing "deference to the solemnity of Holy Week." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.] Oh, yes, let's hide the Newbishop's sins behind the veil of holiness. That is a technique perfected by the Unholy New Caiphas, Benedict-Ratzinger!

Good Catholics, these Newchurch bishops aren't Catholic. They aren't even Christian. They refuse to take responsibility, even when "the buck stops with them" for their dastardly deeds that they perform under the guise and protection of the Newchurch of the New Order and its "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger. That protection is, however, now wearing vary thin as civil authorities take up the ball that Ratzinger deliberately dropped in his massive cover-up of criminality among his Newchurch clergy.