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Vechi 07.08.2011, 23:29:25
mihailt mihailt is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 04.01.2008
Locație: Bucuresti
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 3.198
(de la BC)
The injury or killing of the innocent during war is always forbidden; however, if a bullet goes astray, or an innocent person is killed by a bomb dropped on a military installation, the Church recognizes that these deaths are not intended. With modern weaponry, however, the calculation changes, because governments know that the use of nuclear bombs, for instance, will always kill or injure some who are innocent.
Because of that, the Church warns that the possibility of the use of such weapons must be considered when deciding whether a war is just. In fact, Pope John Paul II suggested that the threshold for a just war has been raised very high by the existence of these weapons of mass destruction, and he is the source of the teaching in the Catechism.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, went even further, telling the Italian Catholic magazine 30 Days in April 2003 that "we must begin asking ourselves whether as things stand, with new weapons that cause destruction that goes well beyond the groups involved in the fight, it is still licit to allow that a 'just war' might exist.""

De unde se vede ca nici macar BC nu aproba folosirea acestui tip de arme.
Si cu atat mai putin BO (PF Bartolomeu nemafiind mai nou de acord nici cu folosirea energiei atomice pentru energie electrica,ca sa previna accidentele de pot aparea).
"și dacă orb pe orb va călăuzi, amândoi vor cădea în groapă." - nu luati de bun tot ce scriu eu.
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Vechi 08.08.2011, 01:00:30
mihailt mihailt is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 04.01.2008
Locație: Bucuresti
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 3.198

Oamenii acestia din unele bisericii neo-protestante (precum cei care au facut acel "catehism" ,sa justifice bombardamentele nucleare cu Sfanta Scriptura),sunt iudaisti inselati de draci,evreii de acum au o religie mai apropiata de crestin ortodoxie decat au acestia.
Dealtfel si zice ca evreii vor trece la crestin ortodoxie,cand va veni Sfantul Ilie sa le predice.
"și dacă orb pe orb va călăuzi, amândoi vor cădea în groapă." - nu luati de bun tot ce scriu eu.
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