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Vechi 29.12.2008, 04:05:33
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Exclamation Pastor in religia ortodoxa? Paradox sau Ironie

Aici am gasit o biserica ortodoxa in Luisiana, USA unde preotul ortodox este un ......... catolic. O fii un pradox sau o ironie?!

St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
A Parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Pastor- ortodox.jpg

Ce parere aveti?
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 04:18:13
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Doamne ajuta!

eu am o parere f. buna!

ai grija, patinina, sa nu imprastii informatii gresite si sa agiti spiritele degeaba... parintele este pastorul = preotul paroh al bisericii ortodoxe din Louisiana de care ai amintit; nu este catolic, ci este un fost luteran convertit la ortodoxie. tot respectul pentru munca sa in slujba Ortodoxiei!

PS: nu stiu de ce multi se smintesc (?!) cand vad preoti ortodocsi in haine negre si cu acea bentita alba la gat.
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:08:32
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patinina34 patinina34 is offline
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Doamne ajuta!

eu am o parere f. buna!

ai grija, patinina, sa nu imprastii informatii gresite si sa agiti spiritele degeaba... parintele este pastorul = preotul paroh al bisericii ortodoxe din Louisiana de care ai amintit; nu este catolic, ci este un fost luteran convertit la ortodoxie. tot respectul pentru munca sa in slujba Ortodoxiei!

PS: nu stiu de ce multi se smintesc (?!) cand vad preoti ortodocsi in haine negre si cu acea bentita alba la gat.
Si cine este ca se sminteste aici?

Tu ai vazut straiul ortodox? Cum este imbrca un preot ortodox?
Imbracamintea neagra cu o bentita alba la git este tipic catolica.
Acest pastor a avut o activitate misionara si apoi a fost luteran,iar acum e ortodox. Cinste lui!!!

Dar se imbraca exact ca un catolic, nu ca si un ortodox. Noi, in ortodoxie, nu avem pastori( pastor - english = pastor), doar preoti( priest -english= preot).

Deci firmatia mea era clara: ce parere aveti? subiect deschis. Nimeni aici nu este smintit.
O discutie deschisa este frumoasa, dupa parerea mea, insa limbajul trebuie controlat.
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:10:25
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Implicit Fr. Brendan Pelphrey - pastor al Bisericii Ortodoxe

Fr. Brendan Pelphrey

Fr. Brendan Pelphrey, PhD (Economos) is proistamenos (pastor) of St.. George Greek Orthodox Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. Before coming to Shreveport in July, 2004 he was Assistant Priest at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas. He previously served as Assistant to the President at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he was adjunct professor in Christian theology and mission, world religions, and western civilization.

His education includes a BA with Honors in Philosophy, Pre-Med and Honors Liberal Arts (Plan II) at the University of Texas (Austin); a BD Honours from New College, the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), with Joint Honours in Christian Dogmatics and Practical Theology (Christian Ethics); a ThM from Holy Cross School of Theology in New Testament and Church History (Brookline); a PhD from the University of Edinburgh with joint studies in Christian Dogmatics and Practical Theology (specializing in medieval Christian mysticism); and certificates in Clinical Pastoral Education and in Chinese Language.

Fr. Brendan has published two books and nearly a hundred articles, book chapters and monographs on Christian theology, prayer, mission, world religions and medieval studies. During the 1980’s in Hong Kong he was founding editor of Areopagus, an international full-color quarterly on Christian mission and interfaith dialogue which for ten years served missionaries in more than seventy countries from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds. In this capacity he had the rare opportunity to meet with leaders of many religions from all parts of the world for interfaith dialogue.

Before entering the Orthodox Church, for twenty years Fr. Brendan was an ordained Lutheran pastor. For ten years he and his wife, Sharon, were missionaries for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Hong Kong, where he was a pastor/evangelist of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong and a professor of theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. He has also been a drug counselor (Chief Counselor for the U. S. Army Fort Lewis Drug and Alcohol Counseling Center); worked in ministry to street gangs in Great Britain, the United States and Hong Kong; and directed a college campus ministry.

While serving as a pastor and missionary in parishes in America and overseas Fr. Brendan has taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels at Hellenic College (Boston), the Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology (Hong Kong), Lutheran Theological Seminary/Hong Kong, St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary (South Bound Brook, NJ), St. Thomas University the School of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary (Houston, TX), Southwestern University (Georgetown, TX), Texas State University (San Marcos, TX), Texas Lutheran University (Seguin, TX), and the University of Colorado at Denver. He has also given guest lectures in many institutions including Rice University (Houston, TX), Houston Baptist University (Houston), Hong Kong Chinese Baptist University (Hong Kong), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), and others. He was twice chosen by students to be listed in Who’s Who among American Teachers. Today as a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America he serves as a consultant to other congregations and churches regarding interfaith dialogue, apologetics, and religious movements in America and overseas.

Presvytera Sharon Pelphrey, MA, is a professional teacher of English as a Second Language as well as a free-lance writer. She is currently preparing a new translation from the Latin of the Irish epic tale of St. Brendan’s voyage from Ireland to the Americas in about the year 565 AD. The Pelphrey’s have three married children and six grandchildren.

Citat din viata si activitatea acestui pastor
Rev. Economos Brendan Pelphrey
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:19:16
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Implicit cuvinte potrivite

cu riscul ca ma repet, aici nu vad probleme de fond, ci de forma. mai exact, s-ar putea conchide ca exprimarea in lb. engleza lasa de dorit pe alocuri. si totusi, ca sa ma refer chiar la citatul preluat de tine de pe site-ul respectiv, acolo se spune clar la un moment dat ca este preot ortodox: "Today as a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America he serves..."
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:19:31
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Implicit Rev. Economos Brendan Pelphrey- cum a devenit ortodox


In the past, Orthodox churches in America were identified primarily by their ethnic backgrounds, such as Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Antiochian (Syrian) Orthodox, etc.. These churches were founded by immigrants who still spoke the languages of their original homelands. Therefore, the Divine Liturgy was conducted in those languages. This made it difficult for non-Orthodox visitors to join the Orthodox community.
Today the primary language in the Divine Liturgy is English. Orthodox churches in America are now growing rapidly. In the Metropolis of Denver the majority of our priests are non-Greek, and about one-third are converts to the Orthodox Christian faith.
It is possible to become an Orthodox Christian through study of the Orthodox faith and through the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation (anointing with oil to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit). For anyone previously baptized in a Christian church according to the Trinitarian formula, the baptism is not repeated; such persons are admitted to the Orthodox Church through Chrismation alone. Those who were never baptized, or who belonged to a non-Christian sect (such as Latter-Day Saints or Jehovah’s Witnesses), or who were baptized by a non-traditional formula, receive an Orthodox baptism.
The first step is to discuss with your priest how to be admitted to the Church. As a Catechumen (“one who is taught”) you will meet regularly with your priest for classes. Most catechumens prepare over a period of six months, but the time varies with each individual. The priest will provide you with reading materials and will try to answer your questions. Most important is simply to attend the Divine Liturgy regularly and to take part in the activities of the church.
You will also need:
+ a sponsor (nouno or nouna). Your sponsor will help you learn the customs and traditions of the Orthodox Church and will take part in your baptism and/or chrismation. Your sponsor will become a close family friend.
+ a saint. If you like, your priest will help you find a saint to be your patron, to serve as an example for you and to pray for you. You will use this name at Holy Communion. You may celebrate the saint’s feast-day as your “second birthday.”
If you are already married, but were married outside the Orthodox Church, you will need to celebrate a sacramental marriage in the Church once you become Orthodox. Your priest will help you with the preparations and selection of a sponsor (koumbaro) for your marriage. This could be your baptismal sponsor, or someone new to add to your family.
Deciding to become an Orthodox Christian requires dedication to Christ. Orthodox Christians fast on Wednesdays and Fridays and through four seasons of the Church year. The services are often long and there is much to learn. However, there is no deeper spiritual grace on Earth than to belong to the historic Body of Christ. Welcome to Orthodoxy!

© 2008

Citat din Viata personala si activitatea religioasa a Reverendului
Rev. Economos Brendan Pelphrey
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:32:34
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Si cine este ca se sminteste aici?

Tu ai vazut straiul ortodox? Cum este imbrca un preot ortodox?
Imbracamintea neagra cu o bentita alba la git este tipic catolica.
Acest pastor a avut o activitate misionara si apoi a fost luteran,iar acum e ortodox. Cinste lui!!!

Dar se imbraca exact ca un catolic, nu ca si un ortodox. Noi, in ortodoxie, nu avem pastori( pastor - english = pastor), doar preoti( priest -english= preot).

Deci firmatia mea era clara: ce parere aveti? subiect deschis. Nimeni aici nu este smintit.
O discutie deschisa este frumoasa, dupa parerea mea, insa limbajul trebuie controlat.

De acord cu tine mirelat, insa n-ai raspuns la intrebarea mea.

1. Eu ziceam ca aici nu e nimeni smintit. Daca gresesc corecteaza-ma.
2. Eu ziceam ca un preot este priest in engleza
3. Eu ziceam ca un pastor e un pastor
4. Eu admiram activitatea lui bisericeasca
5. Eu ceream ca in cazul unui raspuns=replay sa fie controlat limbajul, deoarece sintem adulti si nu "smintiti".
6. Eu ziceam ca un preot ortodox se imbraca diferit de unul catolic.
7. In general cind cineva greseste, depinde de educatie, isi cere scuze, sau gaseste o formula politicoasa. Spun asta pentru ca am vazut prea multe topicuri cu raspunsuri ironice. Nu este frumos, nici educational. Nici bisericesc. Nici ortodox.
8 Daca eu am gresit, scuzele mele aici pe forum, daca tu ai gresit, atunci probbil ca tu vei fii cea care va trebui sa ceri scuze, as acum se face crestineste, si sa-ti controlezi limbajul.
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:42:38
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patinina34 patinina34 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 29.11.2008
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Exclamation Raspunsul acestui preot american la intrebarea mea

From: Pastor <>
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 807 PM
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas

Dear Nina, Christ is born! Glorify Him!

I thank you for your question. It is a good question.

Here in America, some of our Orthodox bishops prefer for the priests to dress in a way which is more "normal" for Americans, but which is not the Orthodox tradition in most countries. For example, if we wear long hair (which is typical of our monks and of priests in many countries) the people think we are "hippies" and do not respect us. If we wear a rasson, they think that we are Muslims. For many years I wore an anteri (cassock) all the time, but people asked me continually if I was a Buddhist.

Today, there is a lot of talk among the priests and many want to return to our older tradition. But for now, I have to obey my bishop, so I wear a black shirt which looks "Catholic" when I am not at church or at an Orthodox meeting. However, my bishop lets us wear traditional Orthodox clothing where it is clear that people will know we are Orthodox.

Also, in the Greek tradition the priests do not wear a cross as they do in Russia or the Slavic churches. We only wear a cross if we are of the highest rank (proto-presbyter). Since I am a lower rank, I do not wear a cross except in the Liturgy. But if I do not wear a cross, people think I am a Buddhist or belong to a cult. That is why we dress like Catholics.

I hope this helps. I agree with you--it is probably better to explain to people what Orthodox means--but I have to obey my bishop.

Thank you, and please write again!
Blessings in Christ, +Fr Brendan
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 05:44:11
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vad ca vrei sa discutam pe puncte, ok.

1. eu cred ca te-ai smintit vazand straiul acestui preot si cuvantul "pastor" folosit pe site-ul respectiv in ceea ce il priveste.
2. afirmatie corecta.
3. pastor are mai multe semnificatii, nu este prerogativul protestantilor in a-l folosi.
4. ok
5. smintit este un cuvant mult folosit in ortodoxie, atunci cand cineva se poticneste de aparente; nu este nicidecum o jignire.
6. cei mai multi romani ortodocsi cred ca numai vesmintele traditionale la noi in Romania sunt cele "corecte", insa de fapt ele pot varia.
7. nu prea inteleg la ce faci aluzie, nu am fost ironica.
8. daca te simti cumva jignita, iti ofer scuzele de rigoare, desi nu vad cu ce am gresit!
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Vechi 29.12.2008, 06:17:53
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patinina34 patinina34 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 29.11.2008
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N-am auzit pe nimeni in 50 de ani sa folosesca cuvintul " smintit" si sper sa fie pentru ultima oara in viata mea!!!

Poate esti o generatie mai noua, poate nu tii prea mult cont de faptul cum vorbesti si te exprimi, considerind ca normal; pentru mine nu este normal, este jignitor, chiar foarte jignitor, si asa cum am spus, sper sa nu mai aud niciodata in viata mea astfel de expresii. Am fost in 7 tari emigrant, prima data cind am ocazia sa intilnesc pe cineva atit de brutal in exprimare.
Sper sa fie si ultima.


Subiectul inchis pentru mine!

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