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Vechi 14.12.2009, 17:47:25
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Evreulcelales Evreulcelales is offline
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Data înregistrării: 07.07.2009
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În prealabil postat de Danut7 Vezi mesajul
Arata-ne ce scrie cu adevarat atunci, mai ales in locurile de unde ti-am citat eu, daca nu scrie aia, poti sa faci asta?
Tu poti face asta la fel ca mine. Scrie la search de exemplu Talmud si numarul ce ai scris si vezi daca iese ceva. Mai mult ca probabil ca vei gasi un mare nimic ca nici indicatia sau locul unde este scris ceva in Talmud este altfel scris si numarat.
Cine nu vrea sa imbatraneasca niciodata ,sa aiba grija sa moara tanar...
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Vechi 14.12.2009, 21:00:14
Danut7 Danut7 is offline
Data înregistrării: 30.07.2009
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În prealabil postat de Evreulcelales Vezi mesajul
Tu poti face asta la fel ca mine. Scrie la search de exemplu Talmud si numarul ce ai scris si vezi daca iese ceva. Mai mult ca probabil ca vei gasi un mare nimic ca nici indicatia sau locul unde este scris ceva in Talmud este altfel scris si numarat.
As vrea ca sa le dai tu, ca sa nu mai zici apoi ca iara dau tot felul de prostii si minciuni care de fapt nu fac parte din Talmud.Asadar astept sa ne spui ce scrie de fapt in Gittin 57a , Talmud Sanhedrin 107b, Sotah 47a , Shabbath 104b , Yebamoth 49b ,Sanhedrin 106a&b, Abodah Zarah 17a, si atat deocamdata.
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Vechi 15.12.2009, 21:08:10
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Evreulcelales Evreulcelales is offline
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Data înregistrării: 07.07.2009
Locație: Israel-Ierusalim
Religia: Alta confesiune
Mesaje: 483

În prealabil postat de Danut7 Vezi mesajul
As vrea ca sa le dai tu, ca sa nu mai zici apoi ca iara dau tot felul de prostii si minciuni care de fapt nu fac parte din Talmud.Asadar astept sa ne spui ce scrie de fapt in Gittin 57a , Talmud Sanhedrin 107b, Sotah 47a , Shabbath 104b , Yebamoth 49b ,Sanhedrin 106a&b, Abodah Zarah 17a, si atat deocamdata.
Numai ca sa te racoresc, am cautat primele doua "adrese": Gittin (seocupa cu legile divortului intre barbat si nevasta ,se termina cartea A la numarul 15 asa ca numarul 57 este absolut "tras de par".
Sanhedrin (Se ocupa cu legile "parlamentului") cartea B se termina la numarul 22 asa ca numarul 107 este inca o minciuna grosolana. Cu asta am terminat sa-ti raspund in topicul ista. Vrei, crede. Nu vrei,nu-i nevoie.Crede in ce vrei dar nu mai bate capul ca , intelege ,ma simt tampit ca am impresia ca discut cu un copil mic.
Cine nu vrea sa imbatraneasca niciodata ,sa aiba grija sa moara tanar...
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Vechi 16.12.2009, 15:07:01
Danut7 Danut7 is offline
Data înregistrării: 30.07.2009
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.543

În prealabil postat de Evreulcelales Vezi mesajul
Numai ca sa te racoresc, am cautat primele doua "adrese": Gittin (seocupa cu legile divortului intre barbat si nevasta ,se termina cartea A la numarul 15 asa ca numarul 57 este absolut "tras de par".
Sanhedrin (Se ocupa cu legile "parlamentului") cartea B se termina la numarul 22 asa ca numarul 107 este inca o minciuna grosolana. Cu asta am terminat sa-ti raspund in topicul ista. Vrei, crede. Nu vrei,nu-i nevoie.Crede in ce vrei dar nu mai bate capul ca , intelege ,ma simt tampit ca am impresia ca discut cu un copil mic.
Adica tot textul asta de aici nu exista si e inventat : ?

si asta :

si de fapt toate alea le gasesti "culmea" la prima cautare afisata primul site, primul click.

dar probabil ca si la tine adevarul nu conteaza si nu este o virtute.
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Vechi 16.12.2009, 19:40:54
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Evreulcelales Evreulcelales is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 07.07.2009
Locație: Israel-Ierusalim
Religia: Alta confesiune
Mesaje: 483

În prealabil postat de Danut7 Vezi mesajul
Adica tot textul asta de aici nu exista si e inventat : ?

si asta :

si de fapt toate alea le gasesti "culmea" la prima cautare afisata primul site, primul click.

dar probabil ca si la tine adevarul nu conteaza si nu este o virtute.
Ma baiatule, mojicia nu te face mai important si desigur nu mai serios. Vine omul,eu,si iti spune ca Gitin este un capitol in Talmud care se ocupa cu divortul,in ebraica,ghet si nu are 57 de impartiri secundare. Nu este acolo nimic scris de Iisus cum pretinzi cu ardoare tu. Nici altele ce ai scris nu au nimica cu realitatea si daca Internetul este inecat de minciuni antisemite,asta pentru prosti se face.
Lectile ti le-ai facut pentru maine?
Cine nu vrea sa imbatraneasca niciodata ,sa aiba grija sa moara tanar...
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Vechi 16.12.2009, 19:43:36
Danut7 Danut7 is offline
Data înregistrării: 30.07.2009
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.543

În prealabil postat de Evreulcelales Vezi mesajul
Ma baiatule, mojicia nu te face mai important si desigur nu mai serios. Vine omul,eu,si iti spune ca Gitin este un capitol in Talmud care se ocupa cu divortul,in ebraica,ghet si nu are 57 de impartiri secundare. Nu este acolo nimic scris de Iisus cum pretinzi cu ardoare tu. Nici altele ce ai scris nu au nimica cu realitatea si daca Internetul este inecat de minciuni antisemite,asta pentru prosti se face.
Lectile ti le-ai facut pentru maine?
Sa te bata Dumnezeu cel adevarat daca exista Gittin 57 si nu numai?

Folio 57a

Dilling discussion of highlighted text
What is your punishment [in the other world]? He replied: What I decreed for myself. Every day my ashes are collected and sentence is passed on me and I am burnt and my ashes are scattered over the seven seas. He then went and raised Balaam by incantations. He asked him: Who is in repute in the other world? He replied: Israel. What then, he said, about joining them? He replied: Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever.1 He then asked: What is your punishment? He replied: With boiling hot semen.2 He then went and raised by incantations the sinners of Israel.3 He asked them: Who is in repute in the other world? They replied: Israel. What about joining them? They replied: Seek their welfare, seek not their harm. Whoever touches them touches the apple of his eye. He said: What is your punishment? They replied: With boiling hot excrement, since a Master has said: Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement. Observe the difference between the sinners of Israel and the prophets of the other nations who worship idols. It has been taught: Note from this incident how serious a thing it is to put a man to shame, for God espoused the cause of Bar Kamza and destroyed His House and burnt His Temple.

Dilling discussion of highlighted text
'Through a cock and a hen Tur Malka was destroyed'. How? — It was the custom that when a bride and bridegroom were being escorted a cock and a hen were carried before them, as if to say, Be fruitful and multiply like fowls. One day a band of Roman soldiers passed by and took the animals from them, so the Jews fell on them and beat them. So they went and reported to the Emperor that the Jews were rebelling, and he marched against them. There came against them one Bar Daroma4 who was able to jump a mile, and slaughtered them. The Emperor took his crown and placed it on the ground, saying, Sovereign of all the world, may it please thee not to deliver me and my kingdom into the hands of one man. Bar Daroma was tripped up by his own utterance, as he said, Hast not thou, O God, cast us off and thou goest not forth, O God, with our hosts.5 But David also said thus? — David wondered if it could be so. He went into a privy and a snake came, and he dropped his gut [from fright] and died. The Emperor said: Since a miracle has been wrought for me, I will let them off this time. So he left them alone and went away. They began to dance about and eat and drink and they lit so many lamps that the impress of a seal could be discerned by their light a mile away from the place. Said the Emperor; Are the Jews making merry over me? And he again invaded them. R. Assi said; Three hundred thousand men with drawn swords went in to Tur Malka, and slaughtered for three days and three nights, while on the other side dancing and feasting was going on, and one did not know about the other.

The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob and hath not pitied.6 When Rabin came he said in the name of R. Johanan; These are the sixty thousand myriads of cities which King Jannai had in the King's Mountain.7 For R. Judah said in the name of R. Assi: King Jannai had sixty myriads of cities in the King's Mountain, and in each of them was a population as large as that of the Exodus, save in three of them which had double as many. These were Kefar Bish,8 Kefar Shihlayim,9 and Kefar Dikraya.10 [The first was called] Kefar Bish [evil village] because they never gave hospitality to visitors. The second was called Kefar Shihlayim because they made their living from shihlayim [watercress]. Kefar Dikraya [village of males] according to R. Johanan, was so called because women used to bear males first and finally a girl and then no more. 'Ulla said: I have seen that place, and it would not hold even sixty myriads of reeds. A certain Min said to R. Hanina: You tell a lot of

Dilling Exhibit 203
lies.11 He replied: Palestine is called 'land of the deer'.12 Just as the skin of the hind cannot hold its flesh,13 so the Land of Israel when it is inhabited can find room but when it is not inhabited it contracts.

Once when R. Manyumi b. Helkiah and R. Helkiah b. Tobiah and R. Huna b. Hiyya were sitting together they said: If anyone knows anything about Kefar Sekania of Egypt,14 let him say. One of them thereupon said; Once a betrothed couple [from there] were carried off by heathens who married them to one another. The woman said: I beg of you not to touch me, as I have no Kethubah15 from you. So he did not touch her till his dying day. When he died, she said: Mourn for this man who has kept his passions in check more than Joseph, because Joseph was exposed to temptation only a short time, but this man every day. Joseph was not in one bed with the woman but this man was; in Joseph's case she was not his wife, but here she was. The next then began and said: On one occasion forty bushels [of coin] were selling for a denar, and the number went down one, and they investigated and found that a man and his son had had intercourse with a betrothed maiden on the Day of Atonement, so they brought them to the Beth din and they stoned them and the original price was restored. The third then began and said: There was a man who wanted to divorce his wife, but hesitated because she had a big marriage settlement. He accordingly invited his friends16 and gave them a good feast and made them drunk and put them all in one bed. He then brought the white of an egg and scattered it among them and brought witnesses17 and appealed to the Beth din. There was a certain elder there of the disciples of Shammai the Elder, named Baba b. Buta, who said: This is what I have been taught by Shammai the Elder, that the white of an egg contracts when brought near the fire, but semen becomes faint from the fire. They tested it and found that it was so, and they brought the man to the Beth din and flogged him and made him pay her Kethubah. Said Abaye to R. Joseph: Since they were so virtuous, why were they punished? — He replied: Because they did not mourn for Jerusalem, as it is written; Rejoice ye with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all ye that love her, rejoice for joy with her all ye that mourn over her.18

Dilling discussion of highlighted text
'Through the shaft of a litter Bethar19 was destroyed.' It was the custom when a boy was born to plant a cedar tree and when a girl was born to plant a pine tree, and when they married, the tree was cut down and a canopy made of the branches. One day the daughter of the Emperor was passing when the shaft of her litter broke, so they lopped some branches off a cedar tree and brought it to her. The Jews thereupon fell upon them and beat them. They reported to the Emperor that the Jews were rebelling, and he marched against them.

He hath cut off in fierce anger all the horn of Israel.20 R. Zera said in the name of R. Abbahu who quoted R. Johanan: These are the eighty [thousand]21 battle trumpets which assembled in the city of Bethar when it was taken and men, women and children were slain in it until their blood ran into the great sea. Do you think this was near? It was a whole mil22 away. It has been taught: R. Eleazar the Great said: There are two streams in the valley of Yadaim,23 one running in one direction and one in another, and the Sages estimated that [at that time] they ran with two parts water to one of blood. In a Baraitha it has been taught: For seven years the Gentiles fertilised24 their vineyards with the blood of Israel without using manure.
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Vechi 17.12.2009, 12:29:41
suntanar suntanar is offline
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Danut internetul este plin de atatea minciuni incat nu mai sti ce este adevarat si ce nu.S-ar dori de multi ca evreii sa fie distrusi ,tocmai de aceea se nasc tot felul de conspiratii care mai de care mai senzationala.
I-ai vazut tu pe evrei omorand crestini si band sange si tot felul de lucruri hidoase,asa cum scrie in acel Talmud?Nu cred,poate doar cazuri particulare,asa cum se intampla in toata lumea intre oameni.
Dumnezeu stie mai bine de ce evreii nu-L accepta pe Iisus ca Mesia,acesta a fost planul Lui,nu cred ca trebuie sa judecam noi acest popor,doar stim din Biblie ce planuri mari are Dumnezeu cu el.
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Vechi 06.01.2010, 12:13:25
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În prealabil postat de Evreulcelales Vezi mesajul
Desigur draga mea. Ai dreptate. Tu nu ai idei antisemite ci numai urasti evreii pe baza de ce "crezi".
Scuza-ma ca eu, evreul iti amintesc tie crestina ortodoxa ca daca credincioasa esti, ti se cere de religia ta sa iubesti aproapele ca si pe tine insusi, chiar daca tu nu "crezi" ca asa trebuie sa faci. Acuma una din doua, fara multa "matematica" cum ai scris: Sau faci ce ti se cere sau te arati ca crestina ca nu poti tine batul la doua capete.
Sa dea Doamne sa-ti lumineze calea buna, cea fara ura.
Este un motiv de ura pentru voi evrei ,voi spuneti ca ati fost victime ale nazismului dar dece nu vedeti ca acum voi la fel faceti ,cum as putea iubi un astfel de popor care omoara cu singe rece!!! te rog intra pe acest site
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Vechi 06.01.2010, 23:03:43
andreicozia andreicozia is offline
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În prealabil postat de rozerin Vezi mesajul
Este un motiv de ura pentru voi evrei ,voi spuneti ca ati fost victime ale nazismului dar dece nu vedeti ca acum voi la fel faceti ,cum as putea iubi un astfel de popor care omoara cu singe rece!!! te rog intra pe acest site
Evreii au dreptul de a trai si a se apara pe teritoriile izraeliene la fel cum si Palestinienii le au pe ale lor.
Nu vad de ce spui ca omoara cu singe rece? Este un razboi molcom care face ocazional, ca in orice razboi, victime colaterale!
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Vechi 07.01.2010, 18:08:21
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Evreulcelales Evreulcelales is offline
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Data înregistrării: 07.07.2009
Locație: Israel-Ierusalim
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Mesaje: 483

În prealabil postat de rozerin Vezi mesajul
Este un motiv de ura pentru voi evrei ,voi spuneti ca ati fost victime ale nazismului dar dece nu vedeti ca acum voi la fel faceti ,cum as putea iubi un astfel de popor care omoara cu singe rece!!! te rog intra pe acest site
Daca nu gresesc,avatarul tau explica ideile tale. Este poza unui mic copil care este imbracat in uniforma teroristilor din Hamas. Copii acestia sunt otraviti cu indoctrinarea la terorism de mici. Acestia sunt cadrele vitoare de sinucigasi ca asa li se spune ca Islamul cere. In rai o sa-i astepte 72 de fecioare.... Hamasul este fratele geman cu Hizbala si buna ruda cu Al Kaida renumita si foarte "iubita" de toate statele civilizate.
Daca nu vrei ca sarmanii copi sa nu fiu omorati in razboaiele intre armata israeliana si teroristi Hamasului,ai grija sa nu lansati rachete din curtile scolilor pline cu copii si nu faceti uz de ei ca scut de aparare a jigodile Hamasului care pasesc dupa o droaie de copii si in acelas timp trag spre soldatii israelieni.
Fasia Gaza ,patria Hamasului este cel mai populat teritoriu din lume.Nu gasesti familii care au mai putin de 10 copii. Se pare ca viata copiilor este cel mai ieftin lucru in Gaza.
Inainte cu un an a fost trimes un copil de 11 ani care este inapoiat ,imbracat cu o vesta plina cu explozivil ca sa se apropie de soldatii israelieni. Norocul lui si a soldatilor ca activarea bombei vie care trebuia sa fie prin radio,a fost defecta si bomba nu a explodatCopilul a fost dat in mainile Crucii Rosii.
Cine nu vrea sa imbatraneasca niciodata ,sa aiba grija sa moara tanar...
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