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Vechi 13.02.2017, 21:17:41
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933


The definition of non-hatred is a mental factor that functions as the direct opponent of hatred.

In Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life Shantideva says:
There is no evil greater than anger,
And no virtue greater than patience.

Hatred, or anger, is the most destructive of all non-virtuous minds.

It has the power to destroy our Dharma experiences and the merit we have accumulated in the past.


There are three types of non-hatred:

1 Non-hatred towards those who harm us
2 Non-hatred towards inanimate objects that cause us suffering
3 Non-hatred towards resultant suffering

The first type is the same as the patience of not-retaliating.

If someone attacks us, insults us, or causes us harm in some other way, and we manage to stop ourself getting angry with them, it is the first type of non-hatred that prevents the anger from arising.

There are many inanimate objects with which we get angry.

For example, we may get angry with the weather if it is too hot or too cold, with our car if it will not start, or with a piece of furniture if it falls on our foot.

Some people are angered by the existence of nuclear weapons or pollution, while others become upset if their food is not to their liking.

Whenever we encounter inanimate objects that cause us suffering we should remember the futility of getting angry with such things and prevent anger by practising the second type of non-hatred.

The third type of non-hatred, non-hatred towards resultant suffering, is the patience of voluntarily enduring suffering."


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Vechi 17.02.2017, 18:50:23
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

" Modern Bodhisattva’s Way of Life: Becoming the living, loving Dharmakaya

(3.21) Just like the great elements such as earth,
And like eternal space,
May I become the basis from which everything arises
For sustaining the life of countless living beings;

(3.22) And, until they have passed beyond sorrow,
May I sustain all forms of life
Throughout the realms of living beings
That reach to the ends of space.

If we’re practicing giving like Shantideva then we have a wish to be whatever others need, not simply to do what others want.

We want to be what they need.

We think, “if others want me to be someone other, I’ll be that person for them.”

With total faith and a loving heart like Shantideva, we offer ourself to others pledging to become whatever we need to become for them to be able to provide them both temporary and ultimate benefit.

We have an attitude that is ready to endure whatever we need to endure.

We are ready to go through whatever we need to go through.

For me, the easiest way to do this is to view my ordinary self as like a karmic reflection or echo or synthesis of all the delusions and negative karma of those I love that I have taken upon myself through my previous practice of taking.

When suffering arises within our body, delusions emerge within our mind or negative karma ripens in our life, we strongly believe that this is the suffering, delusions and negative karma of all living beings that we have previously taken upon ourselves.

We then believe that – like Jesus – we work through these things for living beings so that they don’t have to. What do living beings need? They need somebody to do this for them.

This is why Jesus is so powerful in this world – he meets this need.

But so can we, if we train diligently in correct methods for long enough.

With these verses, Shantideva reveals how the truth body Dharmakaya of a Buddha is of the same nature as his emanation body.

Normally we speak of a Buddha’s emanations, as if they are a multitude of individual emanations.

But in truth, all of conventional reality is a fully integrated blanket of emanations functioning as a whole to liberate living beings.

It is only due to our ignorance that we see conventional reality as a samsara instead of as the unfolding of Buddha’s emanations in this world.

The pure conventional nature of all things is a Buddha’s form body, and the pure ultimate nature is a Buddha’s truth body. These two are inseparable, like gold from its coin." Kadampa Working Dad - Ryan

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Vechi 03.03.2017, 22:18:11
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

De ce sa ne asemanam Lui Hristos in rabdarea suferintelor?

Care este sensul profund al acestei patimiri voluntare, daca nu dorinta de a salva totul si toate,
de a reda fiecarei fapturi fericirea eterna de a fi?

Patimirea hristica este legata de salvarea celor care se afla in suferinta.

Dragostea de Dumnezeu se aprinde intelegand dragostea Lui Dumnezeu pentru toate fapturile.

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Vechi 03.03.2017, 23:31:26
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Iubirea dintre om si Dumnezeu include toata realitatea, nu lasa nimic inafara, nu ignora nicio faptura.

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Vechi 08.03.2017, 21:13:44
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Fear method / its narrow path

When samsara appears attractive rely on fear wisdom;
when appears fearful, rely on fearlessness.

Last edited by florin.oltean75; 08.03.2017 at 21:19:35.
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Vechi 10.03.2017, 22:06:27
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Lectia suferintei este cel mai eficace remediu impotriva naivitatii poftei.

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Vechi 10.03.2017, 22:59:48
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Realizing the true nature of reality is like awakening from the night dream.
The dream appearances simply vanish.
An awakening equalizing a reborn in truth.

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Vechi 11.03.2017, 21:23:57
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Don't stop!
Keep searching for the basic truth of existence.

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Vechi 12.03.2017, 00:46:10
Luria7 Luria7 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 12.03.2017
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Implicit Cine e fiinta?

Scriu demult singura in agenda mea tot felul de intrebari si cugetari ciudate si personale.Am citit cat am putut din masiva ta contributie pe tema budism crestinism.viata filozofie etc.
imi place ca esti liber in cautari si nici o garnita a intrebarilor nu e prea sus. nu exista intrebari de care mi-e frica (pentru mine). chestionez tot. Asta ma face sa cred.

Anyway, pe ultima pagina din agenda mea scrie asa:
(Iti dau o frantura, nu am mai aratat nimanui ce ma tot intreb. Unele intrebari sunt de copil.Dar e o metoda sa-mi pun mintea in sine insasi. in stare... )

''Cine e FIINTA? nu toti formam FIINTA UNIVERSALA? Daca n-ar mai exista nici o fiinta?
Ar ramane vacuitatea? E vacuitatea o stare alterata de constiinta? sau isi are germenii in constiinta ? sau poate nu constiinta asa cu o intelegem noi oamenii...

O constiinta a vietii insasi?

are vacuitatea legatura cu non fiinta? Adica non fiinta fiind opusul ideii de fiinta creatoare?
Exista pentru budisti non fiinta?

Cine e non -fiinta?

:) O sa ai de lucru daca vrei sa-mi raspunzi.

Cu tot dragul iti multumesc <3
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Vechi 12.03.2017, 18:52:26
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 23.03.2011
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 2.933

Fiinta (constiinta / persoana) - non-fiinta sunt conceptualizari care isi au izvorul in experienta curenta, in modul cum percepem/concepem fenomenele.

Daca privim de la o distanta rezonabila se poate face cu usurinta distinctie intre cele doua categorii. Insa, daca intram in profunzimea lor, daca incepem sa le privim cu microscopul si marim din ce in ce mai mult zoom-ul, lucrurile se complica - granita care le delimiteaza devine din ce in ce mai dificil de identificat.

In filmul Matrix este o replica celebra:

No one can be told what the Matrix is.
You have to see it for yourself.

Este perfect valabila cu privire la natura fiintei / non-fiintei - Dumnezeu.

Nimanui nu i se poate spune ce este fiinta/constiinta/non-fiinta sau Dumnezeu Insusi. Natura lor este de domeniul experientei directe.

Ca sa-ti raspund la intrebarea adresata -- vacuitatea nu are legatura cu non-fiinta.

In budism, vacuitatea este un instrument cognitiv, instrumentul care cauta esenta fenomenelor fie cele incluse in categoria fiinta, fie cele percepute ca non-fiinta.

Este un mod rational prin care se initiaza actul contemplatiei.

Fundamentul rational este sistematizat teoretic si explicat in numeroase tratate budiste (de referinta Calea de Mijloc - Nagarjuna). Toate isi au insa originea in ceea ce este numit in budism, A Doua Invartire a Rotii Dharmei - discursul lui Buddha cu privire la Prajnaparamita (Perfectiunea Intelepciunii).

Echivalentul cognitiv in iudaism/crestinism il aflam in prima/a doua porunca: Sa nu-ti faci plasmuiri cu privire la ce este Dumnezeu - pentru ca Dumnezeu nu poate fi asemuit cu nimic.


Doctrina budista sustine ca nu exista realitate in afara de constiinta,
ca absolut toate fenomenele sunt, de fapt, expresii ale acesteia.

Experienta curenta pare sa contrazica aceasta afirmatie in sensul ca pare sa existe o realitate obiectiva inafara constiintei, un neant material.

Misterul rezida in esenta constiintei, adevarul cu privire la natura acesteia.

Sper ca ti-am oferit niste raspunsuri. Numai bine.

Last edited by florin.oltean75; 13.03.2017 at 23:13:46.
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