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Vechi 19.01.2010, 17:25:26
mihailt mihailt is offline
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Iata ce zic Sfintii Parinti actuali referitor la calendar:
Sfantul Iosif Isihastul:
Sfantul Iosif Isihastul e Sfant cu Sfinte Moaste si cinstit ca Sfant in BOR,BO Greaca ,Sfanul Munte.
(Sfantul) Cuviosul Paisie Aghioritul:
(vedeti ca Sfantul Paisie era vazator cu duhul).
(Sfantul) Parinte Ilie Cleopa:
Sfantul Siluan Athonitul nu a avut nicio pozitie referitor la calendar si nu a numit vreodata pe cei din BO Rusa eretici sau pe cei care tineau calendarul indreptat eretici.

Parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost gonit din Franta pentru ca nu a vrut sa zica ca BO Rusa e apostata,a fost gonit pentru ca zis ca in BO Rusa lucreaza Dumnezeu.

Parintele Serafim Rose nu a considerat vreodata pe cei din Bisericile Ortodoxe Canonice lipsiti de har,nici Sfantul Ioan Maximovici.
Daca Sfantul Ioan Maximovici le-a trimis lor episcopi sa le hirotoneasca episcopi asta a fost pentru ca aceia nu intelegeau ca nu e nimic necanonic in indreptarea calendarului si credeau ca harul e numai la episcopii veniti de la Sfantul Ioan Maximovici.
Parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost prigonit de unii inselati de duhuri rele din diaspora rusa de la Paris pentru ca nu a vrut sa zica ca nu e har in BO Rusa.Pentru ca a afirmat ca Dumnezeu lucreaza in BO Rusa parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost prigonit.
Iata cum Sfantul Sofronie a fost prigonit de unii inselati de draci din diaspora rusa de la Paris.
Parintele Sofronie a vrut sa se intoarca in Rusia sa intre intr-o Sfanta Manastire de acolo dar nu a fost primit de rusi ca au crezut ca e spion occidental.
Si pana la urma ajutandu-l preabunul Dumnezeu a facut Sfanta Manastire din Anglia.

Sfanta Lumina pe care o pogoara preabunul Dumnezeu Iisus Hristos la rugaciunea patriarhului crestin ortodox al Ierusalimului in fiecare an,care patriarhie crestin ortodoxa a Ierusalimului e in comuniune cu BO Rusa,BOR,BO Greaca etc:
(in videoul acesta se vede cum un crestin ortodox isi da cu Sfanta Lumina pe barba si barba nu ii este arsa).
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Vechi 19.01.2010, 19:02:37
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Antoni0 Antoni0 is offline
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În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
Iata ce zic Sfintii Parinti actuali referitor la calendar:
Sfantul Iosif Isihastul:
Sfantul Iosif Isihastul e Sfant cu Sfinte Moaste si cinstit ca Sfant in BOR,BO Greaca ,Sfanul Munte.
Ti-am aratat si partea "cealalta", cenzurata bineinteles:

Niciodată părintele nu le-a scris să-i părăsească pe vechi calendariști sau că mântuirea lor ar fi primejduită prin rămânerea cu Adevărații Creștini Ortodocși, ceea ce ucenicii lui predică astăzi. Trebuie de asemenea notat că atât timp cât a trăit, părintele nu a permis celor doi preoți ai obștii sale să liturghisească în catoliconul schitului din cauză că se întâmpla adesea ca preoți din afara Sf. Munte care țineau noul calendar să vină, în special pentru sărbătoarea Nașterii Maicii Domnului și să liturghisească împreună cu călugării. Deci părintele Iosif nu numai că a refuzat să se roage cu preoții nou calendariști, dar nici nu a permis obștii sale să facă aceasta. Este important de menționat că chiar după trecerea sa la cele veșnice, în 1959, sinodia sa a continuat să refuze coliturghisirea cu preoții nou calendariști care vizitau Nea Skiti, până la plecarea lor din schit. Dar chiar și după plecarea lor la Provata și Kareya, ei nu au coliturghisit sau comemorat cu inovatorii până când nu au preluat stăreția la mănăstirile Filoteu, Dionisiu și mai târziu la Xeropotamu și Vatoped.
Mulți dintre ucenicii săi au continuat să fie ziloți, ca maica Eupraxia din Tesalonic și grupul din Volos, care mai târziu au devenit Mănăstirea Maica Domnului Odighitria, de asemenea și părintele Ioan Vlahul, care a trăit în prima chilie ascetică a părintelui Iosif la Sf. Vasile, Sf. Munte. Nici una dintre maicile fostei mănăstiri înființate de părinte și care a fost desființată prin persecuțiile nou calendariștilor și datorită problemelor interne, nu a încetat să fie o adevărată creștină ortodoxă. Toate au trecut la Domnul respectând calendarul tradițional și refuzând comuniunea cu inovatorii.

În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
(Sfantul) Cuviosul Paisie Aghioritul:
(vedeti ca Sfantul Paisie era vazator cu duhul).
Dumnezeu rasplatea cu adevarat pe Avacum pentru credinta lui in Sfintii Parinti. Odata, un monah de la Marea Lavra pe care il iubea foarte mult, parintele Efrem, l-a intrebat de ce devenise zelot. Cu spontaneitatea lui dezarmanta, parintele Avacum, i-a raspuns cu o sinceritate plina de realism: "Pentru ca Dumnezeu imi va cere socoteala, imi va zice: Avacum tu care cunosti legea Bisericii, cum de ai calcat-o in picioare?"
Si a adaugat ca noul calendar era "jertfa lui Cain", neplacuta lui Dumnezeu.

si iarasi la pagina 13:

Si nimic nu a putut impiedica - nici asceza lui, nici virtutea lui personala, nici rugaciunile, nici lacrimile sale, ceea ce incepuse el sa presimta: o noua erezie care a aparut in 1924 ca o simpla inovatie si care a urmat si mai tarziu. El a reactionat indata urmand Parintilor, preferand sa sufere pana la moarte, fara sa crasneasca in cinstea lui Hristos, toate necazurile sortite celor care vor sa aduca o viata in armonie cu Sfanta Traditie a Bisericii.

Vezi ca si Parintele Avacum era vazator cu duhul si la fel si Parintele Teofilact. Ucenicul Parintelui Teofilact, Parintele Arsenie Cotea, a scris cartea Boldurile si a fondat liga zilotilor! Gasesti pe net aceasta carte! Gasesti pe net si marturii despre Parintele Teofilact!

În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
(Sfantul) Parinte Ilie Cleopa:
Sfantul Siluan Athonitul nu a avut nicio pozitie referitor la calendar si nu a numit vreodata pe cei din BO Rusa eretici sau pe cei care tineau calendarul indreptat eretici.
"Sfantul" Parinte Cleopa? Eu inca n'am auzit de acest sfant!

Revenind la pozitia sa despre calendar, ti-am arat ca ESTE GRESITA! Nu mai insista!

Daca afirmi ca Sfantul Siluan Athonitul nu a avut nici o pozitie atunci de ce incerci sa pui pe spatele Sfantului parerile tale personale?

În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
Parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost gonit din Franta pentru ca nu a vrut sa zica ca BO Rusa e apostata,a fost gonit pentru ca zis ca in BO Rusa lucreaza Dumnezeu.
Nu am citit viata Parintelui Sofronie. Dar pune aici un link ca sa vad si eu daca cu adevarat s'a intamplat asa cum zici tu.

În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
Parintele Serafim Rose nu a considerat vreodata pe cei din Bisericile Ortodoxe Canonice lipsiti de har,nici Sfantul Ioan Maximovici.
Daca Sfantul Ioan Maximovici le-a trimis lor episcopi sa le hirotoneasca episcopi asta a fost pentru ca aceia nu intelegeau ca nu e nimic necanonic in indreptarea calendarului si credeau ca harul e numai la episcopii veniti de la Sfantul Ioan Maximovici.
Parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost prigonit de unii inselati de duhuri rele din diaspora rusa de la Paris pentru ca nu a vrut sa zica ca nu e har in BO Rusa.Pentru ca a afirmat ca Dumnezeu lucreaza in BO Rusa parintele (Sfantul) Sofronie Saharov a fost prigonit.
Iata cum Sfantul Sofronie a fost prigonit de unii inselati de draci din diaspora rusa de la Paris.
Parintele Sofronie a vrut sa se intoarca in Rusia sa intre intr-o Sfanta Manastire de acolo dar nu a fost primit de rusi ca au crezut ca e spion occidental.
Si pana la urma ajutandu-l preabunul Dumnezeu a facut Sfanta Manastire din Anglia.
Vezi ca am mai pus si pozitia Sfantului Mitropolit Filaret referitor la PM. ROCOR-ul nu a recunoscut nici un Patriarh ca fiind legitim incepand cu Serghei.

I should also like to note the following. The Catacomb Church in Russia relates to the Church Abroad with love and total confidence. However, one thing is incomprehensible to the Catacomb Christians: they can't understand why our Church, which realizes beyond a doubt that the Soviet hierarchy has betrayed Christ and is no longer a bearer of grace, nevertheless receives clergy of the Soviet church in their existing orders, not re-ordaining them, as ones already having grace. For the clergy and flock receive grace from the hierarchy, and if it [the hierarchy] has betrayed the Truth and deprived itself of grace, from where then does the clergy have grace? It is along these lines that the Catacomb Christians pose the question.

The answer to this is simple. The Church has the authority in certain cases to employ the principle of economia condescension. The hierarch Saint Basil the Great said that, in order not to drive many away from the Church, it is necessary sometimes to permit condescension and not apply the church canons in all their severity. When our Church accepted Roman Catholic clergy in their orders, without ordaining them, she acted according to this principle. And Metropolitan Anthony [Khrapovitsky], elucidating this issue, pointed out that the outward form successive ordination from Apostolic times that the Roman Catholics do have; whereas the grace, which the Roman Catholic church has lost, is received by those uniting [themselves to the Church] from the plenitude of grace present in the Orthodox Church, at the very moment of their joining. The form is filled with content, said Vladyka Anthony.

In precisely the same manner, in receiving the Soviet clergy, we apply the principle of economia. And we receive the clergymen from Moscow not as ones possessing grace, but as ones receiving it by the very act of union. But to recognize the church of the evil-doers as the bearer and repository of grace, that we cannot do, of course. For outside of Orthodoxy there is no grace; and the Soviet church has deprived itself of grace.

În prealabil postat de mihailt Vezi mesajul
Sfanta Lumina pe care o pogoara preabunul Dumnezeu Iisus Hristos la rugaciunea patriarhului crestin ortodox al Ierusalimului in fiecare an,care patriarhie crestin ortodoxa a Ierusalimului e in comuniune cu BO Rusa,BOR,BO Greaca etc:
(in videoul acesta se vede cum un crestin ortodox isi da cu Sfanta Lumina pe barba si barba nu ii este arsa).
Incerci sa justifici o greseala cu o minune, mai bine zis Sfanta Lumina? Jalnic din nou!

Vezi ca ai uitat si de Epifanie Teodoropoulos.

Dar revenind la discursul nostru, Parintele Paisie si Parintele Epifanie afirma amandoi ca cei de pe vechi s'au rupt de Trupul Bisericii vazand ca nu mai au comuniune cu Biserica Oficiala. Deci Har sfintitor nu mai au.
Atunci, daca ar fii exact cum zic ei, Biserica Rusa din Catacombe, vazand ca nu era in comuniune (si nu este) cu PM este si a fost schismatica, deci fara Har! Toti Sfintii care s'au jertfit neacceptand comuniunea cu noua patriarhie apostata a lui Serghei defapt nu sunt Sfinti!
Observi ca aceasta eclesiologie papistasa nu reprezinta Adevarul!
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Vechi 19.01.2010, 19:05:01
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Antoni0 Antoni0 is offline
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Data înregistrării: 01.09.2009
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On November 8, 1927, feast of the Holy Archangels, the Genuine Orthodox Christians were feasting the holy memory of the Holy Angels’ Church in Mandra, Attica. Suddenly "law enforcement officials” are surrounding the church, by order of the modernist schismatic Archbishop Chrysostom Papadopoulos, to capture the priests and to disperse the crowd of Orthodox believers. For the record we note that on that historic day at the Church of Mandra was the Zealot Athonite (then) Hieromonk Saint Matthew the Confessor, who later became Archbishop of Athens of Church of G.O.C. of Greece and an another priest, who left the Church afraid of the presence of the gendarmes while the zealot St Matthew continued the Divine Liturgy until the end, and he escaped arrest and he went unnoticed by the persecutors, he was covered by the grace of God! The persecutors police rushed to arrest the priest... The Orthodox believers react and obstacles stand in their antichristian actions. The police are starting to violate against militants devout believers, beating them with butt (bats) brutally. From the injured believers, the most serious case is the young mother Catherine (Routtis) mother of two children. She transferred in critical condition in hospital, where she reposed to Lord in amid cries of pain. So the young naive spatial woman joins the celestial Church of Christ as a martyr and confessor of the Orthodox Faith of Christ! SAINT NEW- MARTYR OF CHRIST CATHERINE PRAY FOR US, FOR THE MEMBERS OF CHURCH OF CHRIST, GENUINE ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS! The below article of that time (29-11-1927) in the newspaper “SCRIP” who was entitled as “The blood in Mandra”.

The Church (the sectarian New- Calendarist one) by it leaders caused the first fraternal blood. The hard butt of a policeman in Mandra painted with the blood of a faithful of the old calendar, and sent to the grave a victim, a poor woman, insisting on delivery of the old calendar. The unfortunate spatial expired in a bed of "Evangelismos" hospital where she cries in pain from the wounds. And the victim of the old calendar while she gave her soul to the God she would had before her eyes the icon of Archangels where the censer of worship was burned at field day by the old calendar, and while she was in religious tasks, she agreed to head the butt of the policeman. And I asked: what is her crime to fall in the skull of the butt so that the burning censer for loyalty to sprayed with blood? Although God who took the ultimate soul of this unfortunate woman left the simplistic answer to be given by “His representative on earth”, the Archbishop of Athens of new calendar and the controller of butt’s brutality against people of Mandra, who insist the old calendar. While the freedom of worship of God are respected even in the wild natives, while the Greek Constitution, even this "democratic" one recognized the freedom of Old- Calendarists while the Orthodox of Old Calendar are loyal to worship their feasts according their traditions, the butt of Archbishop of Athens is inflicted heavy against Old- Calendarists in Mandra, because essentially the butt of Ecumenist New- Calendarism dyed with blood the Church in Mandra and it sent to the grave the poor spatial woman. By its butt, by acts of vandalism, by the persecutions, by the police brutality and all that want the government and the Archbishop of Athens to impose the new calendar, to alter the religious order and to terrorize the people's consciousness?

They intend to offer the blood of the faithful of the old calendar on the altar of novelty of the new. They mean to create martyrs and victims of the old life of medieval Terrorism. Therefore they intend to launch a storm of religious upheaval in people's consciousness and to reap the fruits of the new calendar in blood, victims and believers of the old calendar? The appalling scenes of Mandra are the dreadful evidence of the deplorable situation that was created by the New- Calendarist novelty, which the archbishop of Athens insisted and did. They divided people into two portions and opened up a huge gulf between the traditions of the old calendar and the novelty of the new, innovations are increasingly expanding into all formal and essential events of church life in Greece.

The innovative spirit, which is dictated the supposedly progressive evolution, undoubtedly brought trouble and capsized in traditions, institutions, policy and it promoted the release of the moral government of the Church. Because the outbreaks of lawlessness and immorality of the clergy, that ungodly within the churches, the Protestant denominations, that blasphemous priests entered to people's consciousness, the shorn head of donations to the Church, and weakened the general relaxation of ecclesiastical laws, the hijacked, the scandals of ecclesiastical offices, the commercial spirit which governs trade clergy and people, all these evils in the Church, due to the subversive, the innovative spirit, whose conquest substantial issue is the implementation of the new calendar. But the innovators, these people who create scandals in the Church, the tumblers traditions mean by butt to enforce the new calendar and through the blood to erect this structure. But blood and faithful martyrs of a tradition, a religious faith is mixed around the censer, who it burned as incense in temples. And the blood that is for the tradition, for God! And the blood of Mandra and the butt of the victim indicate the guilty policemen and officers who are now manipulating the butt of the new calendar and they are leading innovative wind in the Church of Greece, the tomorrow's storm of the faithful of the old calendar.

This text (which consists of excerpts from the book "Charalambis for Christ fool" ,edition of the Holy Monastery “Panagoulakis” of Genuine Orthodox Church in Kalamata 1993) "is a tribute to our Saint of the last days Charalambis for Christ fool. Saint Charalambis reposed to Lord on October 10, 1974. He lived, like many Saints of the Church as "vacuous" for the love of Christ. He confessed that "God wants people to call me crazy and a fool." "God told me to wear old clothes, not costumes… A keen confessor of Orthodoxy preached "Come back to the old calendar, fast, atheists, prodigal.», š Turn the old, the Orthodox church’s calendar, leave the rottenness of the world." and "Come by and never leave the path of God." While he said the usual incomprehensible words "Behold gar and said “gar, gar, gar.... Life, then, was a constant humiliation, a "imitation of Christ” the charity and control people." But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty..."! (1st Epistle to Corinthians 1,27) The messages of Saint is topical today!

Are there currently Saints? Every orthodox pious soul wonders secretly of. A crucial and difficult question to really answer, since the dark spiritual era where increasing amount of lawlessness, the error and the disrespect shown to both missed and long forms of the old holy time, those fiery poles of Divine Grace, the Saints fans, who were sacred vessels and vessels of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity’s residence sources wonderland, and live after death, pro-active, the hot, the humble, the ascetic, all those grateful and miraculous. Today It seems to be missing the lights of the people, the hope and solace for pious Christians, the saints, their prayers kept the world. Symptom and this feature of the precursor of the Antichrist our time, indeed this is prophesied since centuries or millennia precisely by the Holy Spirit for us today who live in “eighth century” before the end of times when all signs indicate that we go slowly: In one of the first only psalms of David, the eleventh, as we document the eschatological legend š With the end in favor of the Eighth "and immediately begins the psalm with a prayer-prophecy:" Save Lord, that saints lost. It's so clear for the reference to recent times (at the end), the eighth and last century (for the Eighth) and then absence of the Saints (saints lost), every comment is superfluous.
What then? God abandoned the world today because of the current apostasy from Him? Does the ineffable patience and His mercy immeasurability? He does again the Lord with indignation "Oh faithless and perverse generation! Until when will I be with you? "(Matthew 13, 17), as he was physically on earth?

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Vechi 19.01.2010, 19:06:44
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Antoni0 Antoni0 is offline
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We believe that no or at least not yet. And this, as we continued unabated daily torrent of His beneficence to us the worthless and ungrateful and sinful. One of which is that even today, as the infinite mercy you Lord! - Highlights and gives us holy and prophetic forms of lighting, control and guide us. Yes definitely, even today, thanks to the mercy of God are Saints! It suffices for us to open our eyes of the soul, for if we see them. And that is the purpose of this article. To put in front of the felt-and mentally-of the general public perhaps the strangest saint form of our time: Charalambis, the fool for Christ, who lived and acted in Arcadia and Messenia earth in the first three quarters of this (20th) century.

What seems certain is that he was born in Arcadia (Durazzo) in 1896, and after the death of his father Charalambis, and so as usual, took his name: "Charalambis. His mother remarried in Christofillaiika, Messinian village close to Saint Floros, leaving relatives in his family home. This was followed a few classes in elementary school, discussed growing up in rural work. "Evaded his mandatory military" Charalambos Papadogianis in 1916, of unknown residence in 1920, "was found nowhere 'in 1948. He reposed on October 10, 1974.
But something must be shocked at the intermediate his youth, details are not known, there are no verified reports. Whatever he is said, it is not clear and uncertain. It is best to leave those to speak, who had met him to understand!

Bezante Panagiota, 63 years old, resident of Kalamata says: ... He was coming to the hospital that I worked and he called me (from the other nurses):
-I want to speak Panagiota.
Charalambis who Panagiota? There are many with this name, they told him.
-One is Panagiota, he said.
This meant that many with that name, but one is orthodox.
In the streets he was shouting and he was saying: "Tomorrow is open the sky, tomorrow is the feast of Theophany or the passing of John the Baptist. You false- feast."
Once he went to the fair of the country. Once people saw him, they began shouting:-Charalambos, Charalambos! Charalambos said them strengths.
-Tomorrow is the Holy Cross.
People understand that tomorrow is the Cross with the old calendar. But they called him as Zourlo (fool) - Charalambis.

Sotirakou Panagiota, 70 years old, residing in Kalamata tells the following: One can say that others, I know personally and others I have heard from my mother. Charalambos often come home, always barefoot and with a poke in the middle. He wore a large wooden cross and his hair was uncombed and unwashed always. Once, I remember when I was little, ten to fifteen years old, and I was sick in bed with high fever. Charalambos passed our house. I remember was before great Feast. When he saw my mother said: "What is the girl?" It has fever sick" she said. "Get a clean glass" he said. He put the cross in the water glass while he was saying something, but I did not hear. But I realized that it was a prayer. Once he took the cross, he gave me to drink water from the glass and he threw a little over his head. We spent a few minutes and I got up immediately. I felt quite well.

Stefanos Polychronopoulos, 63 years old, in Thouria: I along with my father to guard our sheep. We sympathized with him and we gave him to drink milk. He was taken it and he went to a sanatorium, the Prophet Elijah, to the consumptive. He was very gracious man. She urged any families who were poor, and he went where a need was really.
Maria Triantopollou, 55 years old, resident in Chelonaria- Petalidi: ...Wherever you went, he preached and said:
-Come back to the old orthodox calendar. Turn to Orthodoxy. Today this feast is. You fast, repent, you will be punished.
I remember, he had a long beard and hide in the burlap and in his old clothes that he wore. My mother had heard that some people in the village had the key to the church of "St. George" and when they went to light the church they found him on, but the church was locked! Then they were lacking to see who has the keys and went to church. They saw Charalambis staying outside the church... An invisible force lifted him in church. it drove up the tiles and down to the church! Then they ran, they opened the church and they saw lights in the candles. They asked him how he entered. He told them:
-God raises him.
This made them a tremendous impression and they said everywhere. God put in the church Charalambis from the tiles and he uttered in the same way, without unlocking the door! I have heard that he was seen walking in Saint Paraskevi’s church in Asprochoma (Karelia), without he rests in the ground!

Controversial point of our modern times is Charalambos, he lived here on earth a life full of toil, struggle and deprivation, a life full of scorn. But it is clear that ultimately these humble oversee God and sends them His grace, in these resting breaths the Holy Spirit, these 'baby' and 'uproar' chooses to shame the wise men of the century supposedly so (see .1st Corinthians a 27). Now "the first passed” (Apocalypses 21, 4), and Charalambos rejoices in heaven with the Angels and he shines with joy close to Christ. Now really is Chara (joy)- lampis (shined) in name and in act as says the simple Greek people. So now that his humiliation is not at risk, Lord permits us to see the holiness cleaner than when he lived and we claimed to honor him.

sursa aici:

Pentru "13" zile, pentru ceva ce "nu'i dogma" AU MURIT PERSOANE! E bine ca lumea sa cunoasca aceste lucruri, nu sa le ascunda miseleste!

Last edited by Antoni0; 19.01.2010 at 19:10:07.
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Vechi 19.01.2010, 20:11:53
mihailt mihailt is offline
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Data înregistrării: 04.01.2008
Locație: Bucuresti
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Pozitia Sfantului Paisie Aghioritul e identica cu pozitia Sfantul Iosif Isihastul si a Sfantului Parinte Cleopa:
calendarul nu e important pentru mantuire,e doar o masura a timpului.
Nimeni nu va fi mantuit numai tinand calendarul indreptat sau neindreptat ci urmand poruncile lui Dumnezeu Iisus Hristos.Si calendarul nu a impiedicat pe nimeni care a urmat poruncile lui Dumnezeu Iisus Hristos de la mantuire,fie ca a tinut calendarul crestin ortodox indreptat sau calendarul crestin ortodox neindreptat.Normal poruncile se urmeaza in Sfanta Biserica si tot acolo se ia parte la Sfintele Taine in ascultare de duhovnic,fie ca mirean fie ca si calugar.

Nu s-a dat niciun Sfant Canon la cele sapte Sfinte Sinoade Ecumenice care sa zica ca echinochtiul (izomeria) pica pe 21 martie pe calendarul iulian.

Sfantul Siluan Athonitul pomenea pe patriarhul ecumenic din vremea sa fiind in Sfantul Munte care tine de Patriarhia Ecumenica.
Referitor la viata Sfantului Tihon eu nu stiu care este adevarul da nu cred integral ce scrie pe siteul traditiaortodoxa de pe care tot citezi fratia ta.
Mai scrie ca Sfantul patriarh Tihon a fost depus din patriarhat dar BO Rusa nu recunoaste depunerea sa si mai aud ca putina vreme inainte de trecerea la Domnul a savarsit Sfanta Liturghie.
Nu stiu din ce Sfanta Biserica facea parte Sfantul Tihon cand a trecut la Domnul dar iar nu iau ca litera de lege ce scrie pe siteul

Sfantul Iosif Isihastul a avut o atitudine de protest initial fata de introducerea calendarului in BO Greaca si mai apoi primind inspiratie de la Dumnezeu si-a schimbat aceasta atitudine.

Daca unii crestini ortodocsi au fost omorati cu moarte muceniceasca de bolsevicii inselati de duhuri rele,nu cred ca se opuneau calendarului ca in Rusia pana acum s-a tinut numai calendarul neindreptat.
Daca in Grecia au fost crestini ortodocsi omorati pentru ca nu vroiau sa tina calendarul indreptat parintele Nicodim Mandita zice ca si in Romania unii au fost de asemenea persecutati si chiar omorati pentru calendarul indreptat.

Unul din ucenicii Sfantului Iosif Isihastul tine calendarul indreptat in BO Greaca din SUA,e vorba de parintele arhimandrit Efrem Filotheitul:
Cand a fost in Sfantul Munte tinea calendarul neindreptat.
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