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Vechi 23.07.2013, 22:48:40
Florin-Ionut's Avatar
Florin-Ionut Florin-Ionut is offline
Senior Member
Data înregistrării: 17.07.2008
Locație: Timișoara
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 5.411
Post English Corner

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
I open this topic because I find important to get familiar with the specific Orthodox terms that are used in our Church. I prefer to keep writing here only in English, so please don't post in Romanian or other languages.

Many times I had the opportunity to chat with people interested to know about Orthodoxy and, shamefully, I had to say that I cannot discuss the subject due to the lack of knowledge...

It doesn't matter how fluent your writing is, you might contribute to this thread.

I will start with a short list of several "technical" words mandatory to be learned by someone that knows the conversational language, even a bit, but having no experience with the religious part.

The Holy Ghost = Sfîntul Duh
Theotokos = Mother of God = Maica Domnului
The Divine Liturgy = Dumnezeiasca Liturghie
Saint John Chrysostom = Sfîntul Ioan Gură de Aur
to commune = to partake = a te împărtăși
Chalice = Potir
phosphora = prescură
perish = parohie
Gospel = Evanghelie
Apostle = Apostol
to fast = a posti
The Great Lent = Postul Mare
faithful = credincios
sin = păcat
to repent = a te pocăi
Redeemer = Saviour = Mîntuitor
sermon = predică
canon (pentru păcate) = penitence
Bishop = Episcop
lamb = miel
The Creed = Crezul
monk = călugăr
deacon = diacon
icon = icoană
cross = cruce
redemption = răscumpărare
Judgment = Judecată
reward = răsplată
Heruvim = Cherubim = Cherub
The Holy Fathers = Sfinții Părinți
archdiocese = arhiepiscopie
Să nu abați inima mea spre cuvinte de vicleșug, ca să-mi dezvinovățesc păcatele mele;
Psalmul 140, 4

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