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Vechi 10.04.2012, 21:39:15
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Buna Florin,
Eu astept si partea a doua, cea referitoare la modul in care universurile se nasc si dispar in viziunea budista, ca sa avem un tablou complet. Dupa, putem spune fiecare ce am inteles din toata cosmologia budista :)
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Vechi 10.04.2012, 21:43:25
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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În prealabil postat de Mihailc Vezi mesajul
Florin.oltean75: Fără nicio tentă răutăcioasă te întreb:

1. Ai duhovnic?
2. Dacă răspunsul la întrebarea 1 este afirmativ, spune-mi ce părere are duhovnicul tău despre preacurvia asta dintre budhisme (nu budhism, că nu vorbim despre o doctrină unitară) și creștinism, din care ți-ai făcut pușcărie mentală de lux!
3. Dacă răspunsul la întrebarea 1 este negativ, grăbește-te să-ți găsești povățuitor duhovnicesc (nu un guru).

Notă: a) Unitatea transcendentală a religiilor e o prostie foarte ispititoare pentru oamenii care n-au curajul și nici dispoziția interioară să treacă de la condiția de individ la libertatea persoanei. Îți spun din experiență, fiindcă sunt pățit!
b) Budhismele nu pot oferi intrumente hermeneutice pentru înțelegerea creștinismului, așa cum tot încerci să propovăduiești pe forumul ăsta. Creștinismul nu e un exercițiu intelectual care susține ideologic o etică justă, ci un mod de viață a cărui finalitate nedeterminată este transfigurerea integrală ființelor și a cadrului cosmic și metacosmic în care se mișcă ele.

Intradevar, tenta intrebarilor nu este rautacioasa, ci mai mult comica - cu final apoteotic.

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Vechi 10.04.2012, 22:01:47
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În prealabil postat de ioanna Vezi mesajul
Buna Florin,
Eu astept si partea a doua, cea referitoare la modul in care universurile se nasc si dispar in viziunea budista, ca sa avem un tablou complet. Dupa, putem spune fiecare ce am inteles din toata cosmologia budista :)
Multumesc Ioana, pentru invitatie...

"Cosmologia budista" nu este un instrument prin care este inteleasa din punct de vedere stiintific realitatea.

Cunoasterea ei este necesara (pentru budisti) pentru ca este un instrument liturgic esential.

Cel ce se roaga pentru toate fiintele prizoniere in procese de transformare, patrunde cu mintea simultan toate planurile existentiale: de la iaduri - pana la cele mai inalte paradisuri.

Fara insa o cunoastere generica a acestora, rugaciunea nu are suficienta forta, simtire si profunzime intelegatoare.

Deci daca un singur glas spune ca ar fi utila o continuare a topicului, fie si pentru contra-argumentare...voi continua sa expun si celelalte fragmente ale textului.

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Vechi 10.04.2012, 22:22:55
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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O mica recapitulare:

Fiintele prizoniere in procese de transformare perpetue, pot la un moment dat sa fiinteze intr-unul din cele trei taramuri (planuri existentiale), conform modelului existential budist:

1. taramul fara forma (arupa loka) - fiinte fara de trup (nu au nicio forma) - doar inzestrate cu o minte foarte subtila - cea mai rafinata forma existentiala din inchisoarea samsarica

2. taramul cu forme stralucitoare (rupa loka) - fiinte cu trupuri de lumina, foarte pure, care au eradicat din continuumul lor mental pasiunile grosiere

3. taramul dorintelor (kama loka) - fiinte molestate in permanenta de propriile pasiuni - de la lumi angelice, lumea umana (care din perspectiva budista este o lume marginala, modesta, oarecare - nefiind plasata in centrul existentei ca in crestinism), animala, fantomatica... pana la cele mai infioratoare iaduri.

Este dificil de facut o analogie cu cosmologia crestina, insa unele paralele pot fi sesizate.

Last edited by florin.oltean75; 10.04.2012 at 23:05:44.
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Vechi 10.04.2012, 23:04:11
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În prealabil postat de florin.oltean75 Vezi mesajul
Este dificil de facut o analogie cu cosmologia crestina, insa unele paralele pot fi sesizate.
Nu trebuie facuta vreo comparatie cu crestinismul, pentru ca asta ar implica un proces reductionist.
p.s am recitit cosmologia spatiala si e clar: creierul meu nu mai functioneaza la ora asta :) prea multe succesiuni de planuri metafizice.

Last edited by ioanna; 10.04.2012 at 23:25:07.
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Vechi 10.04.2012, 23:24:54
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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În prealabil postat de ioanna Vezi mesajul
Nu trebuie facuta vreo comparatie cu crestinismul, pentru ca asta ar implica un proces reductionist.

In fapt "realitatea" este "ceea ce este", indiferent de natura conceptiilor individuale.

Un proces reductionist nu este o inducere in eroare inevitabila (abordand fenomene holistice), in cazul in care sesizam aspectul emergent.

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Vechi 11.04.2012, 13:23:14
catalin2 catalin2 is offline
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În prealabil postat de florin.oltean75 Vezi mesajul
1. Intentia este aceea pur de a informa si a schimba idei intr-un context deschis, bazat pe rationament si bun simt, care sa nu fie pus sub presiunea dogmei (impuneri incontestabile ale unor adevaruri care nu suporta critici si obiectii)

Din punctul meu de vedere este normal sa nu te intereseze alte pareri care nu rezoneaza cu propriile trairi. Dar de aici si pana la "panica", apreciez ca este o reactie nefireasca - chiar daca foarte predictibila.
Nu deranjeaza pe cineva sa fie si mesaje care descriu alte religii, chiar si pagane.
Problema (doar pentru tine, noi nu suntem afectati) e ca tu chiar crezi in aceste conceptii, nu doar le prezinti, ai imbratisat conceptiile new-age, te poti gandi si tu daca sunt bune sau nu.
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Vechi 11.04.2012, 18:58:53
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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În prealabil postat de catalin2 Vezi mesajul
Nu deranjeaza pe cineva sa fie si mesaje care descriu alte religii, chiar si pagane.
Problema (doar pentru tine, noi nu suntem afectati) e ca tu chiar crezi in aceste conceptii, nu doar le prezinti, ai imbratisat conceptiile new-age, te poti gandi si tu daca sunt bune sau nu.
Eu nu cunosc conceptii New Age.
Nu am citit asa ceva - asa ca nu ma pot pronunta cu privire la acest subiect.

Ceea ce scriu sunt extrase din texte budiste clasice cum sunt Abhidharma, Bodisattvaciariavatara (Modul de a fi al unui Bodhisattva) scrisa de Shantideva si Bodhipathapradipam (Lampa pe calea catre iluminare) scrisa de Atisha.

Pentru ca este propovaduit altruismul, dragostea pentru toate fiintele fara exceptie, jertfa pentru aproapele precum si modul in care trebuie corectata mintea pentru a fi integri (gandul aliniat cu fapta), nu vad de ce ar fi periculoase.

Daca imi oferi o argumentare de bun simt in acest sens, ti-as fi recunoscator.

Isus spunea:

"Cine sunt fratii, surorile si mama mea? Cei care fac faptele mele." (poate ca citatul este inexact)

Eu cred in Isus cu tot sufletul - dar doresc sa pot face si faptele Lui.

Se spune: iubeste pe apropele tau ca pe tine insuti!

Dar nu se spune cum se ajunge la aceasta virtute suprema in zgomotul lumii.

Avem doar indemnuri - insa fara metode ale mintii.

Muzica bisericeasca, acatistele, slujbele sunt instrumente puternice - dar trebuie sa ai o intelegere adanca a lor si bineinteles sa fii mai mult in biserica - si fara de grija.


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Vechi 11.04.2012, 19:23:58
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Bṛhatphala worlds

The mental state of the devas of the Bṛhatphala worlds corresponds to the fourth dhyāna, and is characterized by equanimity (upekṣā).

The Bṛhatphala worlds form the upper limit to the destruction of the universe by wind at the end of a mahākalpa (see Temporal cosmology below), that is, they are spared such destruction.

"Unconscious beings" -Asaññasatta (Sanskrit: Asaṃjñasattva) (Vibhajyavāda tradition only) –, devas who have attained a high dhyāna (similar to that of the Formless Realm), and, wishing to avoid the perils of perception, have achieved a state of non-perception in which they endure for a time.

After a while, however, perception arises again and they fall into a lower state.

"Having great fruit" - Bṛhatphala or Vehapphala (Tib: 'bras bu che) – Devas

Their lifespan is 500 mahākalpas (Vibhajyavāda tradition).

Some Anāgāmins are reborn here.

The height of this world is 5,242,880 yojanas above the Earth.

(approximately the distance of Venus from Earth)

The world of the devas who are the "offspring of merit"- Puṇyaprasava (Sarvāstivāda tradition only; Tib: bsod nams skyes) –

The height of this world is 2,621,440 yojanas above the Earth.

The world of the "cloudless" devas - Anabhraka (Sarvāstivāda tradition only; Tib: sprin med).

The height of this world is 1,310,720 yojanas above the Earth.

Šubhakṛtsna worlds

The mental state of the devas of the Šubhakṛtsna worlds corresponds to the third dhyāna, and is characterized by a quiet joy (sukha).

These devas have bodies that radiate a steady light.

The Šubhakṛtsna worlds form the upper limit to the destruction of the universe by water at the end of a mahākalpa, that is, the flood of water does not rise high enough to reach them.

The world of devas of "total beauty" - Šubhakṛtsna or Subhakiṇṇa / Subhakiṇha (Tib: dge rgyas)

Their lifespan is 64 mahākalpas (some sources: 4 mahākalpas) according to the Vibhajyavāda tradition.

64 mahākalpas is the interval between destructions of the universe by wind, including the Šubhakṛtsna worlds.

The height of this world is 655,360 yojanas above the Earth.

The world of devas of "limitless beauty" - Apramāṇa¶ubha or Appamāṇasubha (Tib: tshad med dge)

Their lifespan is 32 mahākalpas (Vibhajyavāda tradition).

They possess "faith, virtue, learning, munificence and wisdom".

The height of this world is 327,680 yojanas above the Earth.

The world of devas of "limited beauty" - Parītta¶ubha or Parittasubha (Tib: dge chung)

Their lifespan is 16 mahākalpas.

The height of this world is 163,840 yojanas above the Earth.

Ābhāsvara worlds

The mental state of the devas of the Ābhāsvara worlds corresponds to the second dhyāna, and is characterized by delight (prīti) as well as joy (sukha);

the Ābhāsvara devas are said to shout aloud in their joy, crying "Oh joy!".

These devas have bodies that emit flashing rays of light like lightning.

They are said to have similar bodies (to each other) but diverse perceptions.

The Ābhāsvara worlds form the upper limit to the destruction of the universe by fire at the end of a mahākalpa, that is, the column of fire does not rise high enough to reach them.

After the destruction of the world, at the beginning of the vivartakalpa, the worlds are first populated by beings reborn from the Ābhāsvara worlds.

The world of devas "possessing splendor" - Ābhāsvara or Ābhassara (Tib: 'od gsal).

The lifespan of the Ābhāsvara devas is 8 mahākalpas (others: 2 mahākalpas).

Eight mahākalpas is the interval between destructions of the universe by water, which includes the Ābhāsvara worlds.

The height of this world is 81,920 yojanas above the Earth.

The world of devas of "limitless light" - Apramāṇābha or Appamāṇābha (Tib: tshad med 'od)

Their lifespan is 4 mahākalpas.

The height of this world is 40,960 yojanas above the Earth.

The world of devas of "limited light"-Parīttābha or Parittābha (Tib: 'od chung).

Their lifespan is 2 mahākalpas.

The height of this world is 20,480 yojanas above the Earth.

Brahmā worlds

The mental state of the devas of the Brahmā worlds corresponds to the first dhyāna, and is characterized by observation (vitarka) and reflection (vicāra) as well as delight (prīti) and joy (sukha).

The Brahmā worlds, together with the other lower worlds of the universe, are destroyed by fire at the end of a mahākalpa (see Temporal cosmology below).

The world of "Great Brahmā", Mahābrahmā (Tib: tshangs pa chen po) believed by many to be the creator of the world, and having as his titles "Brahmā, Great Brahmā, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.

" According to the Brahmajāla Sutta (DN.1), a Mahābrahmā is a being from the Ābhāsvara worlds who falls into a lower world through exhaustion of his merits and is reborn alone in the Brahma-world;

forgetting his former existence, he imagines himself to have come into existence without cause.

Note that even such a high-ranking deity has no intrinsic knowledge of the worlds above his own.

Mahābrahmā is 1 ½ yojanas tall.

His lifespan variously said to be 1 kalpa (Vibhajyavāda tradition) or 1 ½ kalpas long (Sarvāstivāda tradition), although it would seem that it could be no longer than ¾ of a mahākalpa, i.e., all of the mahākalpa except for the Saṃvartasthāyikalpa, because that is the total length of time between the rebuilding of the lower world and its destruction.

It is unclear what period of time "kalpa" refers to in this case.

The height of this world is 10,240 yojanas above the Earth.

The "Ministers of Brahmā" Brahmapurohita (Tib: tshangs 'khor) are beings, also originally from the Ābhāsvara worlds, that are born as companions to Mahābrahmā after he has spent some time alone.

Since they arise subsequent to his thought of a desire for companions, he believes himself to be their creator, and they likewise believe him to be their creator and lord.

They are 1 yojana in height and their lifespan is variously said to be ½ of a kalpa (Vibhajyavāda tradition) or a whole kalpa (Sarvāstivāda tradition).

If they are later reborn in a lower world, and come to recall some part of their last existence, they teach the doctrine of Brahmā as creator as a revealed truth.

The height of this world is 5,120 yojanas above the Earth.

The "Councilors of Brahmā" - Brahmapāriṣadya or Brahmapārisajja (Tib: tshangs ris) or the devas "belonging to the assembly of Brahmā".

They are also called Brahmakāyika, but this name can be used for any of the inhabitants of the Brahma-worlds.

They are half a yojana in height and their lifespan is variously said to be ⅓ of a kalpa (Vibhajyavāda tradition) or ½ of a kalpa (Sarvāstivāda tradition).

The height of this world is 2,560 yojanas above the Earth.

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Vechi 11.04.2012, 19:57:01
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florin.oltean75 florin.oltean75 is offline
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The beings born in the Kāmadhātu (Pāli: Kāmaloka; Tib: 'dod pa'i khams) differ in degree of happiness, but they are all, other than arhats and Buddhas, under the domination of Māra and are bound by sensual desire, which causes them suffering.

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