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Vechi 24.11.2009, 10:48:48
irodion irodion is offline
Data înregistrării: 29.09.2009
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 37

Nu stiu ce m-a apucat sa traduc tampeniile astea, sper sa iti fie de folos frate ibarosan, dar crede-ma pe cuvant ca sunt niste ineptii ridicole new-ageiste fara nici o legatura cu credinta noastra ortodoxa. In plus nu sunt exprimate bine nici in limba engleza,asa ca nici limba romana nu le poate suprinde in toata splendoarea lor.

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Mai mult despre contex :
In principul le stiu, dar vreau o traducere cat mai exacta in romaneste.

What we know of God we see in reflection as witnessed both externally and internally. Absolute Beingness is, above all, the Divine Common Selfhood, as Beings within the One Being. Love, Light and Life belong to the primary Nature of Absolute Beingness as Total Love, Total Wisdom and Almightiness.
The Love of God is universal, ceaseless, and unconditional. It is the Love of God, expressed as Grace, which lies at the core of Creation. The Light is pure, luminous Super Self-consciousness. Everlasting Life is the eternal motion, generation and regeneration of Its expression. Other characteristics of Absolute Beingness, in Its Omnipresence, include Multiplicity, Self-sufficiency and the Will-pleasure to express Itself in Itself as Creation. Absolute Beingness manifests Itself as the Logos and the Holy Spirit, 'and these three are one' (1 John 5:7).

That aspect of God which lies beyond the reach of human and Archangelic comprehension. The ultimate Source, the fathomless and inarticulate depths of the Divine that are beyond expression, for 'no man hath seen God at any time' (1 John 4:12).

Adjusting our vibrations to the frequency of any other existence or being, to the extent that we can observe and study its nature. Attunement is reached prior to at-one-ment.

As present-day personalities we may come into conflict with one another and the gulf between us may seem great, but in our common logoic consciousness we are unified and indivisible. This is what Joshua Emmanuel the Christ taught when He said, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me' (Matt. 25:40). This is the Common Selfhood. In other places Joshua speaks of this: 'Ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you' (John 14:20) and 'I am the vine, ye are the branches' (John 15:5). That we all share an equal place in Christ is one of the most profound and greatest truths.

Our real identity as Spirit-Ego-Beings. A Holy Monad might be thought of as one of countless myriads of 'cells' within the Multiplicity and Self-sufficiency of Absolute Beingness.

A primary Nature of Absolute Beingness: complete Abundance, Blessedness and independence of all needs.

Primary Natures of Absolute Beingness and all Beings. Forming a sacred triangle, each Nature depends on the other in order to be properly expressed.

Absolute Beingness expressing Itself in Itself as Creation. The Will-pleasure, in Greek euareskeia, carries a sense of pleasure derived from bountiful giving, as practised by a warmly generous and wealthy source. God's pleasure in creativeness.
What we know of God we see in reflection as witnessed both externally and internally. Absolute Beingness is, above all, the Divine Common Selfhood, as Beings within the One Being. Love, Light and Life belong to the primary Nature of Absolute Beingness as Total Love, Total Wisdom and Almightiness.
The Love of God is universal, ceaseless, and unconditional. It is the Love of God, expressed as Grace, which lies at the core of Creation. The Light is pure, luminous Super Self-consciousness. Everlasting Life is the eternal motion, generation and regeneration of Its expression. Other characteristics of Absolute Beingness, in Its Omnipresence, include Multiplicity, Self-sufficiency and the Will-pleasure to express Itself in Itself as Creation. Absolute Beingness manifests Itself as the Logos and the Holy Spirit, 'and these three are one' (1 John 5:7).

Divinitatea absoluta, infinita, Dumnezeu, Tatal, Allah

Cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu este doar o reflectare a marturiilor interioare si exterioare. Fiinta absoluta este dincolo de toate, o divinitate cu o individualitate universala ce se manifesta intr-o singura fiinta . Iubirea, lumina si viata apartin naturii primordiale a divinitatii absolute ca iubire desavarsita, omnistienta si omnipotenta.
Iubirea lui Dumnezeu este universala, nesfarsita si neconditionata. Ea este iubire divina exprimata ca gratie ce se odihneste peste nucleul creatiei.
Lumina este pura, supra-sine, constienta luminoasa.
Viata vesnica este miscarea eterna, generarea si regenerarea acesteia. Celelalte caracteristici ale fiintei absolute sunt omniprezenta incluzand multiplicitatea, multumirea de sine (auto-suficienta) si dorinta, placerea de a se exprima pe sine in sine ca si Creatie. Fiinta absoluta manifesta Sinele ca logos si spirit universal, „iar acestea trei sunt una” (1 Ioan 5:7)

That aspect of God which lies beyond the reach of human and Archangelic comprehension. The ultimate Source, the fathomless and inarticulate depths of the Divine that are beyond expression, for 'no man hath seen God at any time' (1 John 4:12).

Fiintarea absoluta

Chipul lui Dumnezeu sta dincolo de intelegerea umana si ingereasca. (Asta e incercarea mea de a da o forma propozitiei dar ea in engleza suna exact asa: chipul lui Dumnezeu care sta dincolo de incercarea umana si intelegerea arhanghelica. - punct,)
Sursa finala, adancimea insondabila si neclara a Divinitatii care este dincolo de expresie, este Dumnezeu nevazut niciodata de om (1 Ioan 4:12)

Adjusting our vibrations to the frequency of any other existence or being, to the extent that we can observe and study its nature. Attunement is reached prior to at-one-ment.

Acordarea vibratiilor noastre la frecventa oricarei alte existente sau fiinte, careia i se pot observa si studia natura.

As present-day personalities we may come into conflict with one another and the gulf between us may seem great, but in our common logoic consciousness we are unified and indivisible. This is what Joshua Emmanuel the Christ taught when He said, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me' (Matt. 25:40). This is the Common Selfhood. In other places Joshua speaks of this: 'Ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you' (John 14:20) and 'I am the vine, ye are the branches' (John 15:5). That we all share an equal place in Christ is one of the most profound and greatest truths.

Individualitate universala

Ca personalitati existente putem intra in conflict cu altii si abisul dintre noi poate parea mare dar in constienta noastra universala noi suntem uniti si indivizibili. Aceasta este ceea ce Iisus Emanuel, Cristosul a gandit cand a spus: „In masura in care ati facut asta acestor mai mici frati ai mei, mie mi-ati facut” (Matei 25:40) Acesta este Sinele Universal. In alte locuri Iisus vorbeste acestora: „Voi ar trebui sa stiti ca sunt in Tatal, si voi in mine, si Eu in voi” (Ioan 14:20) si „Eu sunt vita, voi sunteti mladitele” (Ioan 15:5). Ceea ce noi impartasim in mod egal in Hristos este unul dintre cele mai profunde si vaste adevaruri.

Our real identity as Spirit-Ego-Beings. A Holy Monad might be thought of as one of countless myriads of 'cells' within the Multiplicity and Self-sufficiency of Absolute Beingness.

Monada universala, sinele monadic universal

Identitatea noastra reala este Spirit-Eu-Fiinta. O monada universala poate fi gandita ca o miriada infinita de celule din cadrul multiplicitatii si auto-suficientei Fiintei absolute.

A primary Nature of Absolute Beingness: complete Abundance, Blessedness and independence of all needs.

Auto-suficienta (Multumire de sine)

Natura primara a Fiintei absolute: completa abundenta, binecuvantare si independenta a tuturor necesitatilor

Primary Natures of Absolute Beingness and all Beings. Forming a sacred triangle, each Nature depends on the other in order to be properly expressed.

Iubirea absoluta, Intelepciunea si Puterea

Natura primara a Fiintei absolute si a tuturor fiintelor.
Formand un trinughi sacru, fiecare natura depinde de cealalta in ordinea propriei exprimari.

Absolute Beingness expressing Itself in Itself as Creation. The Will-pleasure, in Greek euareskeia, carries a sense of pleasure derived from bountiful giving, as practised by a warmly generous and wealthy source. God's pleasure in creativeness.
Vointa – placere (sau poate bunavointa)

Fiinta absoluta exprimandu-se pe sine in sine ca si Creatie (am folosit „si” ca sa evit cacofonia).
Bunavointa, in greceste euareskeia, are sensul de placere derivata din daruirea generoasa, exprimata de calduroasa, generoasa si imbelsugata sursa. Placerea divina este creativitate.
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