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Vechi 29.08.2010, 11:07:40
doctor_faustus doctor_faustus is offline
Data înregistrării: 28.08.2010
Religia: Ortodox
Mesaje: 828

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This one volume commentary was prepared by Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown and published in 1871.

"23. For--The oldest manuscripts read, "But." "I know not ( Philippians 1:22 ), BUT am in a strait (am perplexed) betwixt the two (namely, 'to live' and 'to die'), having the desire for departing (literally, 'to loose anchor,' 2 Timothy 4:6 ) and being with Christ; FOR (so the oldest manuscripts) it is by far better"; or as the Greek, more forcibly, "by far the more preferable"; a double comparative. This refutes the notion of the soul being dormant during its separation from the body. It also shows that, while he regarded the Lord's advent as at all times near, yet that his death before it was a very possible contingency. The partial life eternal is in the interval between death and Christ's second advent; the perfectional, at that advent [BISHOP PEARSON]. To depart is better than to remain in the flesh; to be with Christ is far, far better; a New Testament hope ( Hebrews 12:24 ), [BENGEL]."

Nu știu de ce orientare este acest comentariu, însă este încă unul din zona heterodocșilor care anulează doctrina "spiritelor profetice". Sper că cei care citesc respectivele texte să cunoască limba engleză așa încât să nu fie nevoită traducerea.

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